Thursday 16 July 2015

End of an Era.

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I never thought I'd see the day when Land Rover would decide to scrap production of their 'Defender' model; but they have.

There is no question that were uncomfortable dinosaurs, but they were much loved by farmers, the military, African safari-goers, and even HM The Queen.

So, what will replace the much loved Defender? No doubt some big Japanese manufacturer is rubbing his hands with glee, and has already begun designing the perfect replacement vehicle.

I remember years ago going to the local cattle market in Shropshire, and seeing row upon row of Defenders (each with an accompanying horse trailer) in the car park; there must have been several hundreds of them. It was as if no self-respecting farmer ever drove anything else.

So, why have Land Rover abandoned such a huge British 'institution', and a design that dates back to the late 1940's; have they gone mad?


  1. Can't believe this, I owned a lwb 2.25 diesel 1984 vintage, Yes, basic and somewhat uncomfortable, but it had the ability to go almost anywhere, a real work-horse.

  2. Evidently, Defenders are being withdrawn as they can't be modified to meet current legislation. My husband has much loved old Defender. Just used for fun .

  3. If this wasn't enough, I've just read that Aga has been sold to to the USA company 'Middleby Corporation' for the paltry sum of £129 Million.

    Whatever next!

  4. It's a sad day Cro. In my book one should never try to fix something that isn't broken.

  5. Living in the country I see dozens of them everyday and they also seem to be the vehicle that most thieves seem to prefer around here too.

    1. One presumes that's because they are so sought after..... makes it even more stupid, don't you think?

  6. It is all Nissan Navaras here. Farmers have gone soft. It is change or lose your market. No bales of straw in the back these days. Land Rover are going to change to meet market demands.

  7. Always fancied one when I was young, they looked so utilitarian and down-to-earth. I am not surprised Aga is being sold off, everything in Britain is up for sale!

  8. I think that the Defender has been kept alive by worldwide military contracts. All that is changing now and farmers aren't so rich as they used to be either. The old Defenders hold their prices to a huge extent - more than almost any other vehicle I think.

  9. Ford and Toyota here....... and trucks. Sad to see another brilliant workhorse go.

  10. My particular farmer has never had one - never seen the need I suppose, but as you say, there are plenty of the at the auction mart on Fridays.

  11. People on the land here seem to favour Toyotas- Land Cruisers mainly.

  12. Another institution bites the dust.. two if you consider what the Americans will do to Aga....

  13. U.S. companies are constantly being sold off to multinational corporations and it is difficult to find anything made in America. My husband's company was sold to a Swiss company and my daughter's went to Britain and so did their jobs. It is a global society now and everything goes to the highest bidder. Most of those things that we hold sacred has a price.

  14. 36 C in the shade here; and rising. Too damn HOT, and no rain or cooling in sight.

    Phew wot a scortcher!

  15. Cro, it is that temp after dark where I live. Can't do anything outside during the daylight. I went looking through some of your older posts last night as I read from readers and you about your art. Do you have a website for it somewhere?

    1. No I don't. I have almost finished my painting career, and now just produce stuff for my own amusement. However I do bore my reading friends with it occasionally, so watch this space.

  16. We live in the countryside and see a lot of these, I've always fancied one and a couple of labradors to keep me company while I'm driving it ;)

    1. Classic... a couple of black Labs and a straw filled Defender; what could be better.

  17. Such a pity to see this end

  18. I can't imagine the Queen driving anything else!!!
