Tuesday 14 July 2015

Another Milestone.

The downstairs bathroom, at the barn, is now finished and is serviceable; although we'll probably change the hand basin tap; it's not right, is it. The hole above the window is for an extractor fan, which has since been installed.

The bog flushes, there is hot (solar heated) water in the taps, and the lovely big shower-head has fulfilled all its promises.

The main bathroom will be bigger and more luxurious, but we're leaving that one until after summer.

In case you were wondering, the stone tiles and mosaics we used are Travertine; as employed to build The Colosseum (and all other major buildings) in Rome.

The next major job is to buy and fit all the kitchen units. We've done the plans, all that's now needed is to pop down to Ikea in Toulouse, select the stuff they want, and put it all together.

Kellogg's mother, sister, and brother are flying over from Sweden in a week's time, so whilst en route to the airport Wills and Kellogg will visit the Ikea store to make their choice.

Otherwise, the only other barn excitement is that they now have push-button ice cubes from the fancy new fridge.

Of course the work is still nowhere near completed, but Wills and Kellogg decided to move in last night. The electrical supply will be turned-on on Thursday. All very exciting for them.

Me? I'm still bloody plastering. Will it ever end!


  1. It is so beautifuly designed. Your family is lucky.Ice cubes are needed here every day.

    1. There are here too, at the moment. Every day is hot, and no rain.

  2. Looking good and very expensive - the "mirror" above the shower is unusual.

    1. That's the shower-head.... still all clean and shiny.

    2. I tho8ught the shower head was the smaller one half-way down.

    3. They're all like that nowadays; one large head, and a secondary one. Can't really see the point myself.

    4. Can you turn the top one off? Sounds like torture to me!!!

    5. No idea. I presume you select one or the other. Things used to be so much simpler!

  3. Ah push button ice cubes - now there's a thought for my new fridge....!

    1. You press a button and they just tumble out. Wonderful.

  4. Cro - we thought you were going to have absolutely nothing more to do with self-assembly furniture in future ! So will you be on hand to advise Wills and Kellog when they put their Ikea kitchen together ?

    1. Advise, maybe. Help with the assembly, certainly not!

  5. It looks brilliant Cro ….. I LOVE a big shower head { oooer missus !! }
    This obviously means that your family have arrived which means that you have now met Bunny ….. I bet that was a lovely moment ? XXXX

    1. He's a cutie, but still recovering from all the travel.

  6. What a great bathroom! I agree about the basin tap..it needs to be much shorter or faces will be crashing into it when they lean over to rinse their teeth. I speak from experience! Perhaps the secondary small shower head is if you just want to wash your hair and not the rest of you?

    1. It also shoots the water out too far forwards, and splashes everywhere. We'll change it.

  7. PS. Interested to see how you can do even more luxurious. Gold taps? I hope not.

    1. They'll find a way. The other one will be bigger and have a bath as well. No, no gold taps.

  8. I like a big shower head, good for dancing around under.

  9. That big shower head looks positively lethal! I love the tiles, they look terrific.

  10. I love the look of that travertine, did a wet room for a customer once with it. The only downside is how many times you have to seal it. Looks like you've done a cracking job.

  11. That stable conversion I was at during the weekend had an ice machine, but only dispensed crushed ice not cubes. Not much good for G & Ts.

    1. Their one does both, and all controlled by some wretched microchip. It's going to go wrong....I can see it coming.

    2. Maybe I just didn't find the 'cube' button on ours.

    3. We've had ice machines in our fridges forever and I haven't had one break yet. The refrigerator yes, but not the ice maker.

  12. Love that fancy bathroom but took me a while to realise that I was seeing the shower through the bathroom mirror.

  13. It looks like a kitchen tap was ordered instead. The bathroom looks lovely though and I envy you have the grand kids on site.

    Ikea's new kitchen system is first rate. They do kitchens so well and are highly rated. Having done several for clients I will offer a small tip that you may or may not have already known. If you are fitting the fridge into the cabinets with gables on each side and an over fridge cabinet on top, bump out the fridge cabinet with a 2 x 4 to make it flush with the front of the fridge. I have seen COUNTLESS builder homes and DIY's that have the fridge cabinet 4" set back from the fridge front. Doing this gives a built in look and also hides the fridge sides that look ugly.

    1. Thanks for that Raz; I've taken note.

    2. re the Tap; We'll keep it for the kitchen, and find something more suitable.

  14. We have similar shower heads in our newly renovated bathroom. I use the overhead and hubby likes the hand held. Travertine is very popular here in the states and it was my choice also. Great minds think a lot.

    Once you have an ice dispenser, you will wonder how you did without it before. Conveniences are very nice to have. Your son and his family are going to love living in such a beautifully constructed abode. All your hard work is going to make them all very happy.

  15. It looks great. I'm sure the guys were thrilled when they saw their new home for the first time. Hope you can take a bit of a breather now and enjoy your family.

    1. We're having a couple of days off with a guest!

  16. You've done a great job, the shower is very stylish and I'm liking it.

  17. And forgot to say, you are Superdad!

  18. It's looking very good.

    Think twice about changing the tap, we have the same sink but with a lower tap and it is very hard to wash your hands properly under it, and virtually impossible to wash your face without also washing your feet at the same time (splashes everywhere).

    I wish our tap was higher than it is, yours looks like it would work better!!

    1. This one splashes all over the place, I think there must be a good compromise.

  19. It's all looking really good. I bet Wills and Kellogg will be chuffed to bits with all your hard work. I think that dual taps would look nicer than the one mixer, but I suppose it's all a matter of taste.

  20. It looks wonderful!

    I just replaced a refrigerator that had an ice maker. The ice maker was making very weird sounds as was the fridge motor. I could have either crushed or cubed ice, but then that mechanism froze in place, so crushed ice it was.

    1. Oh dear, that's what I imagine happening.
