Monday 1 June 2015

Spot the Cro.


A bit of fun for Monday 1st June. No prizes on offer, but considerable kudos for correct observation.


  1. Wild guess: Second from right in middle row.

    1. What, with the pimples and glasses? Nope.

  2. Either at the front. Let's go for the one on the right with the thinner face. Fingers crossed that he wasn't your worst enemy!

  3. With the cheeky stance and grin, I say the lad second from the left, back row.

  4. The one with the cheerful smile - last on the left - back row?

  5. Front right?

    Jo in Auckland, NZ

  6. Middle row, far left. Definitely.

  7. I think far left middle row because the little chap is smiling heartily - and you always seem cheerful.

  8. I am still working on it. Are you sure you're in it?

  9. Front right.

  10. Replies
    1. You never know; you might have got it wrong.

  11. Some nice looking girls amongst them,
    never knew you were a fem ?

  12. Definitely front left Cro { but front right could be your brother !! } XXXX

    1. Just to be clear …… front left as you look at the photograph !! XXXX

    2. I'm questioning myself now …… The two in the front row look very alike ……. one or t'other. XXXX

    3. Make your mind up Jacqueline.... one or t'other; I can't be two people at once.

    4. OOOoooooo ….. it's difficult …… left Cro, right Cro ….. I'm not sure. I really need more time for in depth research but, because of the nose, I'm going with front row, sitting right Cro !!!!! XXXX

    5. ……. but, you do look like front row, sitting left Cro as well !! XXXX

  13. Absolutely front right. Handsome lad! X

  14. Front right! I'm always late. Damn being in the southern hemisphere.

  15. I see you have made it more difficult by disallowing an embiggening facility.

    1. I didn't 'disallow' its enlargement; I think I must have used the photo previously, and as you know Mr Blogger doesn't like repetition. Too close scrutiny would probably give the game away.

  16. Back row, first from the left.

  17. Definitely sitting front right. Do you know what became of the boy back row far right?

    1. I have no idea. Amongst the group one became deputy head of Dragon School, Oxford, another became a prominent lawyer/judge, and one became a penniless artist.

  18. Against my better judgment I'll stick my head out. After all nothing worse can happen than Cro biting it off - in all its beauty.

    He wanted clues, reasoning our decision. Here they are:

    Having Cro "known" for a while two things about him stick out, in no particular order: He likes to poke people and he is vain in that "look at me and my marvellous courgettes" type of way.

    Anyway I let Cro lead me up the garden path: I have no idea what sport those guys in the picture are playing (Cricket?). What strikes me that those guys are different age groups. Could they be heads/top players of different youths teams within their local Cricket Club? Clearly the guys in the front row being the eldest. My first reaction - and please don't laugh - that Cro is the most unlikely: That true cutey - middle row second from the left. A fine boy. Then I remembered how mean Cro can be at times and there is no meanness in that little face. On the other hand - a boy that age has still plenty of time for his face to elongate as Cro's clearly did and pickle his onions.

    Can't wait to be put out of my misery.


    PS Rachel has shown her true colours in reply to this Cro's post: She is a tease - and she won't commit

    1. After that extremely comprehensive reply, I'm pleased to tell you that you're wrong. Yes, it was a Cricket team, and the boy you 'hoped' was me was in fact the grandson of Len Hutton (a very famous Cricketer).

  19. I'm biting my tongue, as I expect my gut response would deserve to be deleted in order to keep the peace.

    You see a very different Cro than I do, Ursula. I enjoy his posts and the way he shares his life as it is now and as it was then. Lighten up.

    1. "Lighten up"? I am but a feather - all fluffy. You know what, Ninaschen: I really do question people who have the nerve to tell others to lighten up instead of chilling themselves. Still, one person's humour bypass is another's laughing out loud.

      You say that I "do see a different Cro". Indeed. Good for him. Cro is made of more than two facets of his personality. If I didn't "enjoy his posts" I'd hardly be here. Neither am I a sycophant.


  20. I think it's time I spilled the beans; young Cro is sitting crossed legged, front row, right (of the picture). My cyber congratulations goes to Camille, because she described me perfectly correctly.

  21. Well lots of us got it right, so there.nananananaaaa

  22. Well, I was just sure you were front row left.

  23. Is the tallest lad in the back row Lewis? Apart from you, of course, he is the only one whose face looks familiar but names were never my hot spot.

    1. Wow, for someone who is no good at names that wasn't too bad. Must be quite a few years now.

    2. He became a big-wig Lawyer/Judge.

  24. The larger boy on the left has similar eyes. I guess he is not a relative as your sister, Susan, does not remember him.

    1. He is Robin Frith, who became deputy Head at Dragon (if that means anything). Not a relative.
