Saturday 13 June 2015


Everything seems to be going so fast this year. It seems like only yesterday that I was wheel-barrowing tonnes of logs into the house, and now, as if by magic, it's stinking hot and the pool is already at 28C.

The lawn has turned it's annual beige colour (see above), I have courgettes caulis and peppers ready for eating at Haddock's, and my long trousers have been locked away until October.

Worst of all though is the thought that my bloody birthday is now only just over a month away, meaning that in less than 14 months I'm going to have a particularly unpleasant zero after my age.

The only plus side to this roller-coaster year is that I'm soon to meet my new fifth grandson Bunny, who'll be here before too long. His parents must then be prepared not to see him again for quite some while, I've got lots to show and teach him; the sooner he learns about everything, the better.

I suppose that time has been going by so very quickly because we've both been ridiculously busy; better, I guess, than the opposite.


  1. The years certainly do hurtle by at breakneck speed. I reached that zero-age milestone earlier this year, and there's not a damn thing we can do about it, so just keep smiling and enjoy the ride. It's better than the alternative! Hey ho, as Mr Grey would say.

  2. Sorry to be selfish but I enjoy your tales of going. You're my role model of an active fun life when older. Apologies if that offends.

  3. Sorry - auto correct changed ageing to going, I enjoy your tales of ageing,

    1. No offence taken whatsoever. We certainly do have a lot of fun, and I hope that'll never stop; ageing is just the unwanted bit.

    2. By the way FQ, I tried your soy and honey glazed salmon recently.... very nice.

  4. Don't let it get you down Cro - remember you're as young as you feel ! After all it's the number before the zero, rather than the zero, that counts! Having passed that little milestone, we can assure you there is still fun to be had and life to be lived to the full.
    If you can grow such beautiful veg, and live in such a peaceful part of the world, you have much to be thankful for. Enjoy !!

    1. I made some pretty important choices when I was 25; I reckon they've paid off. My life here's been good to me.

  5. I wonder why we dont have the courgettes flowers here.(the time here is going fast too,)

  6. I think you still have a lot of good times ahead no matter which birthday is looming.....your life is to be envied! I can't wait to hear about all the adventures you'll be having with Bunny!

  7. Study in green with knife. Age is nothing. My mind is blank. I don't think about it much.

  8. It seems to me that you're doing all the right things for a happy and healthy life Cro. Don't let the numbers bother you...enjoy each and every day.

  9. A "zero" birthday is nothing to worry about. As usual I got there well before you and can still manage to enjoy life, go to the gym and do plenty of walking.

    1. Wot gym? My exercise is gained by working non-stop, and dog walking.

    2. I never went to the gym thinking I was getting more than enough exercise but must admit that since I started going (just an hour a week) that I am more flexible.

      Things like sit-ups, the plank etc that one does not tend to do in a normal "working" day.

  10. I know just what you mean about having so much to tell your grandchild. I bet you can't wait! I am often told how lucky I am to live where I do, but it is the result of working extremely hard and being extremely broke for many years (the working hard bit is still applicable). The luck is having people to share it with, especially the little ones.
    Seems I'm a month older than you, as I reach the big 70 next June. 1946 was a vintage year.

    1. Sure was Gill....everyone was happy that the wretched war was over, and it produced wonderful children (ahem).

  11. I tried locking away my trousers once, but they escaped.

    1. Mine have been washed and put away by Lady M; I couldn't find them even if I wanted to.

    2. What has four legs and flies? Two pairs of trousers.

  12. Cro, you live a very fine life. I really enjoyed seeing your progress on the Tobacco barn, your garden, and your life in general. So lovely! and I agree with you, couldn't things just slow down a bit!

  13. Getting to the zeros causes anxiety, being there is freeing.

    1. I'll see if I agree with you when it happens.

  14. The hubs just recently caught a zero.....he acts like an old man now.
    My crystal ball predicts a wonderful summer ahead for'll be so busy with your new little grandson you won't have time to think about zeros.

  15. It's not the number of years ibn your life, but the life in the years (or something like that!) I suspect you pack so much living into your life that you wil just go on and on...rather like the Duracell bunny!!

  16. You are absolutely right Cro. Better that life should fly past because one is busy than it should crawl because one is looking for something to do.

  17. Oh and by the way - just ignore those noughts - \I do.

    1. It's not only the noughts Weaver, but the numbers in front of them that worries.

  18. So you're gardening in the nude for the rest of the summer? All my grand babies will arrive at the farm today, including 4 month old Penny Lane. Can't wait, but will collapse when they leave. The place will be a wreck.

    1. It's usually US in a wreck after the children have been for a couple of weeks. But then it all seems so quiet.

  19. Your approaching ' big birthday ' will pale into insignificance when your son and his family arrive….. you'll feel younger than ever !!!! I predict many happy times ahead ! XXXX

  20. I read a quote somewhere about getting older is a privilege denied to many- makes it all seem better somehow!
