Thursday 25 June 2015


I've been so busy that I hadn't previously noticed that there's already a good crop of peppers at Haddock's (and even one big aubergine!).

I planted 3 types this year; ordinary bell peppers, long thin ones (not hot), and a few fiery chilli peppers (very hot). All three are now producing.

The long thin ones are my favourites, the variety (above) is called Doux Long des Landes. I fry them whole in olive oil with a tiny splash of white wine and a pinch of gros sel as a 'tapas' type snack. We eat them tepid, when they become tender and unbelievably delicious. Sometimes if they're big enough I stuff them with a garlicky cream cheese, and I also bung them whole into curries.

This chicken curry (below) was the ideal location for a few. They are the perfect accompaniment for a dark brooding earthy curry made with plenty of garam masala, and ground cumin/coriander.


Another of Summer's little treasures.


  1. That curry looks delicious!

    1. It was, but the fried peppers by themselves were even more so!

  2. Why is it Cro that all your recipe photographs look like works of art?

    1. I didn't know that they did! I do my best.

  3. I will add fried peppers to my repertoire of meals. They sound good.

  4. Our peppers are coming on too. My husband stuffs them with rice and golden raisins.

  5. MMMMMmmmmmmmmmmm, looks so yummy. Our cold spell that occurred just after I put in the pepper plants has made them a little pouty. I also have three kinds, bell peppers, banana peppers (neither are hot) and jalapeno.

  6. I'm a bit of a woos when it comes to very hot food I'm afraid …… it's one of my failures !! I'm not a fussy eater as I will pretty much try anything but I can't get on with fiery hot food …… I can't drink fizzy things quickly either !!!!! BUT, having said all of that, I think that I'd like those milder fried peppers.
    Bon appétit Cro ! XXXX

    1. The tiny hot ones are a bit 'over the top', so I dry them to make flakes. A tiny sprinkle is then all you need. The ones above are truly gorgeous.

  7. I once could eat those HOT peppers, but sadly no longer. It's one of the many foods I had to chuck, when diagnosed with GERD....
    Your peppers look delicious *smile*
