Tuesday 30 June 2015

My Blood.

I'm always a tiny bit anxious when I await the results of my three-monthly blood test, but I really shouldn't be.

The important bit seems to be the middle one; the HBA1C section. I believe this is the bit that shows how much sugar (glucose) is in your blood (please correct me if I'm wrong), and mine shows 6.2% (as it has since March 2014). 

Above 6.5% is bad, and below 6% is bad; so I seem to be just right. When I started these blood tests in 2012, it was about 8.2%.

I don't really mind all this medical stuff, as long as it doesn't come around too often. Once every three months is OK.

I keep taking the pills, try to look after myself physically, and curb my desire for all things sweet. As long as I do that I'll probably avoid having to give myself those bloody jabs that diabetics often need; THAT I fear more than anything.

I'm now just back from the doc's. He kept using the word 'perfect', so I guess I'll live. Lady Magnon thought I may have to be 'put down'.


  1. Here in NZ they don't use percentages any more, instead measure mmol/mol so 6.2% = 44.3 mmol/mol which is indeed perfect. Well managed, sir. Anything under 6% is getting a bit on the low side, especially if you are on insulin (which I know you are not.) Keep on doing what you're doing, it's working. Lady M can be reassured that you're not ready for the knacker's yard just yet.

    1. They give both readings here; the percentage, and the mmol/mol reading (see photo).

  2. Best to keep an eye on these sorts of things

  3. Sound's as if you are in good condition Cro.
    Keep taking the tablets !!!!! XXXX

  4. Well I'm glad Lady Magnon was wrong lol.

  5. Always good to know that not only do you feel well, the numbers back that up!

  6. The red wine number looked a bit on the low side.

    1. I didn't mention my abstemiousness. I thought he may have considered that 'cheating'.

  7. I just use the pen with one teeny jab in the stomach once per day and two pills. They only check the A1C one time every 6 months here. I'm terrible at watching what I eat etc., just want the little 'magic' pill. You are much stronger than I am.

    1. We have a pen user here with us at the moment. He seems to use it quite often; and has hypos.

  8. What an excellent result! I'm awaiting my results as we speak having had blood tests yesterday. I'm usually nowhere near 6.2 though - usually am about 54 (which I believe is about 7.5??). I always query it with my GP but he seems unduly concerned - however I read up on these things and I know I could do better. I only get my blood tests once a year over here.

    1. French medical care is very thorough.... too much so maybe.

  9. Luckily Cro I have trained myself to not crave sweet things and no longer care for either cake or chocolate.

  10. Good news - well done Cro. We're glad Lady Magnon was wrong, too

  11. After 60, some doctor is always telling us that we have to get our numbers down. There seems to be a number for every part of our body. Good for you for succeeding.

  12. Hubby is Diabetic so I know it is notta lotta fun having to restrict some foods especially if you see someone else eating them ! Lady Magnon is clearly taking good care of you bless her. Marion x
