Saturday 20 June 2015


It worries me when I read of other people's sick dogs; I have just been reading about John Gray's Welsh Terrier, Meg, who's not too good at the moment.

As I took Bok for his morning walk today I watched as he ran around, tail wagging, shiny coat, and contented with his lot.

I imagine that this is partly why we keep dogs. It's that pleasure of seeing one's own animal healthy and enjoying himself. Of course, when this is not the case it's as equally distressing as it is comforting when they are fit. 

With this in mind, I was very aware this morning of Bok's fitness. I watched him closely as he skipped from scent to scent. A happy dog means a happy owner; not always the case for everyone.

My sympathy goes to everyone who is currently looking after a sick dog.


  1. I feel the same about Meg and all other people's dogs.

  2. We have cats, but it's the same, we ensure they are healthy and happy. Mad cat woman who lives next door with 20+ cats, only feeds hers and we often call the RSPCA if one is looking poorly, she hates us for it, but I won't see any animal suffer.

  3. I am always saddened to read of other people's distress when their animals are ill or injured. I know it's all part and parcel of being a pet owner but it never gets easier. Like you I currently have a fit young animal [rescue cat] but had nursed my old cat until last summer so can really feel for everyone.

  4. I think they say that one year in a dog's life equals seven in a humans so that John's Meg is around mid-nineties in human terms. That's the problem with dogs - they have such short lives; we give then our love and attention and then suddenly they are old and ill and we have to make that awful final decision. I have had to do that with pugs, with Short-haired pointers and Yorkshire Terriers. Tess is now seven which I suppose is middle aged in human language. I still keep dogs but it hurts almost unbearably every time I lose one - as I am sure you are aware having lost Monty when he was so young.

    1. Shes 70 but I get the gist.... You dont have them for long
      Thanks for the good wishes x

  5. I love my cats and so does P. Cats are like dogs and go for walks and run and sleep on pillows and laps and feet and purr and lick and get brushed and hugged. It us sad when animals we love are ill. I feel for all who are unhappy because of this.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This is the tough part about having pets isn't it Cro ? I've been there and it's the most terrible time and takes forever to get over. I knew that I'd be upset when our first pet died but, when it happened, I was devastated ! ……. and was the same with all of them.
    Thinking of John and Meg and hope that, maybe, she will show signs of improvement. XXXX

  8. I have Meg in my prayers. Our dear old Kane will be 15 in July. How did that happen so fast. Every day is a gift to have him still with us and able to enjoy his meals, walks and car rides but I worry about him constantly. He is deaf now and I miss seeing him run to me on just one call of his name. I hope Meg has a good day today. Deb

  9. Good Lord, Cro. Is Bok small or are those the largest logs in the land? I adore my dog angels. They really are my best friends, my heart, my life. And, they are my last as I simply cannot bear losing any more.

  10. I'm just as sad about Meg's poorly state, Cro. I have a brand-new Labrador puppy and then a 15 year-old Scotty x, Megan who seems to be more frail and confused every day. Bok is a handsome lad; enjoy him!

    1. Lady M wants another Lab' puppy, but I think we'll wait a while. I envy you; lovely dogs.

  11. Making that final decision for a beloved pet is the most distressing thing that most of us will ever have to do. The only consolation is that we are able to ease their suffering.
    Poor John, we hope that Meg will pull through this illness.

  12. Bok is such a joyful dog. I love the way dogs live in the moment. They are good for us! (I need a dog!)
