Monday 11 May 2015

Who will replace Red Ed?

                                    Résultat de recherche d'images pour "labour party uk"

Now that Red Ed Miliband has jumped ship after his party's disastrous election results, I've drawn-up a short list of possible future leaders......

1. The boy from No 35 with the runny nose; Jimmy something or other.

2. Mickey Mouse (but I'm not sure if he hasn't already been a leader).

3. A short plank.

4. Putin.

5. Boris Johnson (who'd have to change the party's name to 'Very Very Very New Labour'.

6. Russell Brand (who'd have to change the party's name to Brand New Labour).

7. Katie Price.

8. and finally... TONY BLAIR.

I reluctantly add the despicable Tony's name to the list because (unbelievably) he seems to be the only leftie politician who's put his finger correctly on Labour's problem. As he so rightly says, they have to make themselves more like the Conservatives if they ever want to win another election; the days of feeble-minded Communism/Socialism are over.

I never thought I'd agree with anything Tony said, but of course... this time he's absolutely RIGHT.

NOTA BENE: OK, I'm simply posting this jibe in response to all the recent hatred, spraying of war monuments, and rioting, by those darling hoodie-wearing Labour supporters who are so eager to demonstrate what a bunch of loutish bad-losers they all are. One has to ask the question; who the hell would vote for a political party that has supporters like that! Unbelievable.

I don't remember such things ever happening when Blair was elected; but of course Tory supporters would never behave in such a vile uncouth manner.


  1. Have a nice time!

  2. I saw a very well turned Labour politician on Channel 4 News last night who summed up neatly and quite wisely why Labour lost, you can't keep knocking success without alienating that entire section of the people, and it was Stephen Kinnock. Of course the interviewer reminded him about 1992 and dad's little blunders. But whatever, he is one to watch.

    1. My old friend Patricia Milmo's son Chuka Umunna is being tipped for leadership too. That would be interesting.

  3. First communism and not the same. Mr. Cameron is isolating your country more and more ( you live in France and left your country a looooooooong time ago, I wonder why ) , would you like to live in Great Britain today ? High rents, only rich can afford to buy a flat or house , high prices etc., workers without contracts all over the country ..not really a dream situation. Not me but specialists are saying when social problems arise people tend to vote the right wing or even fascist party as for instance in France where the lousy Marine Le Pen tries to give a nice image of her racist, fascist and hateful opinions. For sure nit a good vision for the future. Your garden is a splendour.

    1. French cosying with Marine Le Pen is just a desperate cry against immigration levels; she presents no threat in a general election.

    2. Old Labour was Trotskyists and Communists masquerading as Socialists so in terms of the Labour Party of old socialism and communism wore the same hat.

    3. It is without irony that I point out that high rents and high house prices exist in the UK because of Blair and Brown. Blair allowed the influx of millions of low skilled immigrants who mainly congregated in the South East forcing a housing shortage whilst Gordon Browns inability to manage the banking industry and its lending practices encouraged a frenzy of property buying. Of course he was only too happy to spend the taxes and income generated!
      The knock on effect of this was to encourage saver to view houses as an investment, particularly with interest rates so low and thus the buy to let landlord was born. Of course this then impacted the housing market as two bedroom properties, most favoured by first time buyers, were snapped up by the b2l landlords who had much bigger budgets.
      Laughably, as many labour supporters sank their retirement plans into property, Milliband then started spouting on about rent controls. Instantly losing many of his core voters!
      Apart from members of the LSE and thugs from the UAF and SWP who once again turned up to protest socialism in the UK is as dead as a doornail.
      Many of the above mind you can only afford to protest because Daddy pays all their bills and bails them when they get arrested. They never stop to wonder how Daddy has so much cash though.........

    4. I hope no Labour supporters read this, they've had a bad enough shock as it is! Hypocrisy is alive and flourishing amongst the loony left; truth, on the other hand, HURTS.

  4. I lived and worked many yesrs in Paris and this is just not right. The immigration rate is slighry the same. I cannot admit when people fight out their problems on the back of migrants. I always wonder what people would say when in Germany the NPD would get 24% like M. Le Pen.

    1. It might help if they didn't go about killing policemen, bombing offices, and taking hostages in the country that adopted them. People don't like that sort of thing! Ms Le Pen is the only one who speaks for the disgruntled (not for me).

    2. These are terrorists . You should not judge a whole community . Hitler did the same and we know what happened.

    3. Except, of course, Germanys jews did not bomb or behead, take hostages or otherwise. They did not congregate in the streets and demand sharia law, they did not riot or burn cars in the streets.
      I appreciate the difference may be too subtle for you to distinguish!

    4. SARA, I am not judging anyone. I just said that the French 'disgruntled' are the ones who support the idiot Le Pen. I repeat 'NOT ME'.

    5. Mr. Ro , as you seem to get a subtile knowledge, what about the fact that all weapon producing nations are BIG friends of Saudi Arabia , where the sharia is a daily threat and whose government provides weapons to terrorists organisations as IS. Too subtile for you to disginguish ?

    6. Aren't you veering away from the subject SARA? We started off talking about Lefty violence, and who would replace Red Ed.

    7. I onky reply to Mr. Ro posting about Germans jews etc. and my impissibilty in his eyes to distinguish things.
      I gave my opinion concerning your post snd I think nothing was scandalous in my answer.

    8. You're a very reasonable person. xx

    9. Sometimes I like when you are ironic.

    10. Ms Miller, my point is that the German jews and the jews at large did nothing, absolutely nothing for Hitler to single them out where as the Muslim community unfortunately has a segement who persist in acting violently and promoting their supremacy. This in turn leads to fuelling people like Le Pen.
      For you to compare the fate of the Jews to the actions of muslin supremacists frankly is nauseating.
      If you had one iota of knowledge of the history of National Socialism and the Islamic Supremacists youwould know that their ideologies overlap in many parts and indeed the then crop of islamists actually fought for Hitler with the Grand Mufti being an honoured guest of his for most of WW2.
      All the big weapon producing nations are not friends of saudi the second largest in the world, Russia, is the supplier of choice for Iran.
      Russia it should be noted is also the nice country that supplied all the weapons to Sudan to murder 250,000 black christians whilst the west twiddled its thumbs.
      Almost every rebel group, terror group, dictator and despot has a nice selection of Russian made weaponry from the humble AK to MiG jets and heavy tanks. But hey ho don't let facts ruin your rant!

    11. Incidentally re your point over IS. Saudi may well part fund them however you will note that their weapons of choice, as opposed to those captured from the Iraqi army, are again Russian made. One of the beauties of digital photography is that not only can the weapons Cyrillic writing be easily read showing their origin but so can the serial numbers. Multiple photos, tweeted and facebooked by IS, show AK74s manufactured in the last 3 years. Since Putin is already supplier of choice for that other nice dictator Assad and we know that Putin is no fool the only logical conclusion is that he is supplying IS, Iran and Syria. Quelle surprise!
      But I'm sure in your eyes its all our fault anyway........

    12. You misunderstood something I compared M. Le Pen and Hitler:s ideology , in saying when pointing out one community hate reaction start to grow.I' m a GermanJew and have no lesson to learn about the nazis, my family paid a high tribute.

  5. I don't know why they bothered rioting because it wont change a thing - the majority of the public has spoken and chosen what they think it right for the country at the moment. They seem to forget that it was Labour that got us into this mess in the first place.

    Maybe their should have chosen Ed Millibands's brother after all.

    1. Difficult to know who they should have chosen instead of Ed.... hopefully they can find someone to lend some credibility to the ailing party; but it's going to take a while.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. They'll get over it, the bile will dry up, and the rioting will subside. Unfortunately I already hear that they're planning more and bigger riots for the summer. I'm with Voltaire; right to free speech is essential.... not so sure about the violence.

  7. With 12Bn pounds of cuts to Social Welfare and a scrapping of the Human Rights Act the UK will revert to a Dickensian country. Which will attract all those of who admire absolute class distinction between the rich and the poor.

    1. The majority of the articles in the Human Rights Act are already instilled in British law, and are there to stay. It's the misuse of badly worded clauses that we need to get rid of. This has nothing to do with either Dickens or some imagined class/wealth war.

    2. I come from the school of thought that a Government will be judged on how it defends the most vulnerable, the disabled and weakest in our society.

    3. Now you're sounding like a Conservative.

  8. I tried to read all the above comments and your replies Cro - all very interesting. But why is it that when I think about all the problems my eyes glaze over and I go into a stupor? Is it something to do with my age? I sincerely hope not. My view is that the country has voted and a result has been declared, so now they have to grin and bear it and let the government get on with it. I see the new EU directive this morning says that we have to take more of the African refugees from the Mediterranean. Folk will now begin to moan about that. Do they never look at those frightened children and those worn out, desperate mothers as they sail around the Med on their summer cruises?

    1. Have no fear Weave... all inter party bitching will soon be behind us, and life will then continue as normal.

  9. Dan Jarvis would have been the best bet as far as I can see. He's someone who has lived in the real world and done a real job, unlike the vast majority of the politicians of all persuasions that we have these days. Sadly, he has ruled himself out fo family reasons, leaving the way clear for more of the same old, same old.

    1. I must admit that the only time I've heard the name Dan Jarvis, was when he said he wouldn't be standing for the leadership.

  10. What about a popular actor?
    Gandalf from lord of the rings?

  11. OMG ~ I miss one day reading and it all lets loose. My head hurts too.

    1. Just be grateful that you live in beautiful Cairns, and not in Blighty.
