Sunday 3 May 2015

Luddites on the march.

So, here it is; my postal vote Ballot Paper. It's been filled-in, and sent off back to Blighty; my little contribution to the upcoming UK general election, which must be one of the most unpredictable and bizarre in living memory.

We currently have a government which has managed to bring back the country's failing economy from disastrous to flourishing (it's now at the very top of the IMF's success list), yet there are still those who for idealistic, social, or even traditional family reasons, are willing to throw it all away for their own egotistical short-term gain, regardless of the inevitable chaos that they all know will ensue.

Deals are being done in back-rooms between political factions who otherwise wouldn't piss in the same bucket.

The worst culprits, I suppose, are The Scottish National Party (who recently failed when trying to obtain independence for their beloved Scotland). They are now attempting en masse to replace Scotland's Labour contingent, and invade the Westminster that they so despise, in order to force through all sorts of advantageous fiscal programmes in favour of their loony-left supporters North of the border. One suspects that blackmail is afoot!

There are rumours that the SNP will make a Mafia style deal with England's left-wing; creating one of the most dangerous coalitions in living memory. Red-Ed denies this, but he speaks with forked-tongue.

The only thing that can save the UK is an outright win for either The Conservatives, or (heaven forbid) Labour, both of which are highly unlikely; I know which I'd prefer, but either would be preferable to some corrupt lefty coalition.

Everyone in the UK is aware of what's going on, it just remains to see if they could give a shit about it when the time comes to mark their ballot papers; I fear not.

David Cameron (our present PM) must really be regretting not having supported Scotland's bid for independence.WE DID TELL YOU DAVE! With no Scottish Loony-Left-Luddites in the picture, the UK's future (and Dave's) would have been secure. Too late now matey!

STOP PRESS: Dear Caroline Lucas (Greeny above) is now in bed with Russell Brand.... The kiss of death... Whatever next!


  1. I note Purna Sen's main interests in her professional career of public affairs feature nothing but overseas projects from the Solomon Islands to everything African with gender issues as a secondary. She makes Dennis Skinner sound almost loveable, at least he's got us all at heart. She also thinks celebrity support is the way forward, although she does add to this "regrettably". Sarah Lucas is the lesser of two evils probably. Plenty of loonies in Brighton, Bristol and Norwich to elect 3 Greenies.

    1. Oh sorry Sarah, I much prefer your art, especially your melons and cucumber. I expect you get used to being confused with greenie Caroine especially when you're chatting to Russell and Ed.

    2. Purna Sen sounds like another Keith Vaz; a one policy politician.

  2. You should have printed off your views as put in this post Cro and had it pushed through every letter box over here in good time before the voting day - that way some folk might see sense.

    1. Well, it makes sense to me, and no doubt will prove to be right.

  3. I have to say I am getting rather tired of all the nonsense that is going on - the sooner it is all over the better as far as I am concerned. Vote Cro for Prime Minister!

  4. SND Nicola waves her agenda at Ed, he say's no, but next week if he gets the chance he will soon be best mates with her. We are praying the Tory's gets another chance and finishes sorting the mess left by Labour. We all know if we don't have the money we stop spending!

  5. I received a letter from my union this week advising me to vote Labour - cheeky gits - I was under the impression it's my decision. As a public sector worker apparently I must blindly follow the Labour Party (the one that Ed Miliband sold down the river, along with his brother) treacherous sod.

    1. I expect your union hands over part of your annual dues to Labour party funds. Did they ask you who you wished to support?

    2. A public sector worker voting Tory is like a Turkey voting for Christmas! Maybe cancel your union membership. You don't seem to share the same values.

  6. UK politics are far more interesting than ours, apart from a bit of ponytail pulling now and then. I shall be watching your election results with interest.
