Tuesday 19 May 2015

Fizzy Pop Time.

One of the delights of May is the Elderflower. Some make Cordial; I make Champagne.

Take 6 heads of sun-kissed Elderflowers, 650 gms sugar, the zest and juice of a Lemon, 2 tablespoons of colourless vinegar, and 6 litres of water. Mix. Leave for 24 hrs. Bottle, and leave for at least 2 weeks. It's as simple as that. 

2 provisos; firstly you MUST use those wired-on flip-top bottles, and secondly always open the bottles outdoors, they can be extremely fiery.


  1. I don't always comment. But I have to tell I love all the homemade food you make from the bacon to the Champagne.
    I am always amazed.

    cheers, parsnip

  2. Sounds delish, what's the alcohol rating?? Not that we are huge drinkers here in Oz ??! :}
    May I use your blog to ask if anyone knows how Hippo is? Also Weaver seams to have gone AWAL should we start a rumour??

    1. I think it does contain a very small amount of alcohol, as there is fermentation involved.But not enough to have you rolling in the outback.

      Hippo is probably just busy, but Weaver is still producing her daily account of Yorkshire life. Maybe you're looking in the wrong place.

    2. I see Weaver last posted something a week ago.... on holiday maybe?

    3. Southworld on the Suffolk coast, if I recall.

    4. I hope she is on holiday…I too was getting worried! As for Hippo…..he must be exceedingly busy as he hasn't posted for 2 months!! I can rely on you Cro for a new post every morning with my breakfast porridge…thanks.

    5. Hippo is probably preparing the nursery.

  3. Sounds really delish. Leave some on the plant to became berries. We'll need those for sloe gin :)

    1. Plenty for everyone here, the hedgerows are full of bushes.

  4. I love elderflower champagne. My last lot exploded spectacularly though in the garage. Really cannot risk that living in the motorhome!

    1. I keep mine in buckets;just in case. Occasionally I have to use 'Fischer' beer bottles which are not so strong, and they do tend to blow. Best kept outdoors.

  5. I make the cordial - no flowers out yet around here. Such a refreshing summer drink.

    1. I've never made cordial, maybe I'll do some this year.

  6. I googled elderflower now I have to look around if we have the plant here. ( i am always inspired by your blog:)

  7. Being a bear of very little brain I am always wary of picking the wrong thing and poisoning myself.

    1. The only similar flower is Ground Elder, but that is a plant that grows annually. These flowers are on big bushes. Always best to ask someone who knows.

  8. Good advice re. the bottles. My first attempt resulted in shards of glass impaled in the kitchen ceiling. Fortunately no-one was in the room at the time, but the bang was pretty spectacular!
    Ours aren't out yet,but your post has determined me to make some this year. I also put some flowers in the gooseberry jam and elderberries make good syrup and wine. A brilliant all round tree.

    1. I've heard of putting the flowers with Gooseberry jam. I really must plant some Gooseberry bushes.

  9. Thanks for the recipe. Now I will go toute suite to where I know a tree is flowering. You do not see elderberry trees as much in PA.

  10. You said that things growing in our garden are ahead of yours but you have the start of quinces and we only just have blossom and we won't have elderflowers for a while either. Maybe it's only because of the poly-tunnel that our veg is earlier!. We have a Freezing Cold wind again which is sure to slow everything down outside

    1. Good growing weather here; hot, and occasionally wet.

    2. Winter weather here again, oh I jut noticed that comment above is Sue in Suffolk. Arctic Winds. I hope Weaver packed her long johns. I like elder flower wine, very high in alcohol. P liked the tractors.

  11. All now bottled and put away. Withstanding any explosions, we should be enjoying the results this Summer.

  12. Mine is just starting to flower so exciting times are coming. I'm having a hard time finding the bottles this year. Perhaps I should just make the cordial.

    1. Less fireworks, but probably more useful.

  13. Ooo something to do with all the elder flowers around the farm!
