Sunday 12 April 2015

Keep Calm.

                                   Résultat de recherche d'images pour "bbq party"

Good god, it's almost mid-April already.

It hardly seems like yesterday afternoon that we were wrapped in red flannel, and hauling tons of hefty logs into the house.

All of a sudden those cold days are behind us. We now eat outdoors at lunch, we are already delving into that drawer marked 'Summer clothes', and constantly falling blossom makes us feel like itinerant wedding guests.

I haven't yet shown my milky-white knees to the Spring sunshine, but I have been out-n-about in a T shirt, and I'm pleased to say that pukka Summer salads once again grace our table. There's no going back.... Spring/Summer seems to be upon us.

But DANGER lurks. How often has the same weather pattern fooled us! We are tricked into thinking that it's safe to open the pool, to drag the BBQ out from its Winter quarters, and rub sun-u-like onto our ivory-coloured bodies.

Year after year Mme Nature laughs at us, and after sending out ample false messages, she then delivers several smacks to the face in the form of weeks of non-stop rain, just to remind us of who's in charge. She ain't started her trickery yet, but I've known it (after a beautiful early April) to rain almost until June.

So, don't get excited too soon.

No, not being pessimistic; just realistic.


  1. I was still lighting the wood-burner in July last year......

    1. I haven't lit my stove for over a week, but I've brought plenty of wood indoors; just in case.

  2. Mme nature is buisy with thunder storms and a lot of rain here.last week it was 30c,

    1. We are having 20-ish C temperatures at the moment. I'm hoping it'll last another week or so.

  3. Weatherman warned last night after this warm spell, there lurks a sharp cold spell, with possible frost. Not sure if he is scaring us or just throwing a spanner in our works.

    1. Probably just being honest; unusual for weathermen.

  4. Ne'er cast a clout 'till May is out. My knees are purple this time of year.

    1. No May out here yet, but I've seen pictures of full-flower in Blighty.

  5. The weather we usually get in March has finally arrived in April. We now see green. No shirt sleeves yet, but a warm sweater has replaced our winter coats on some days. As long as the sun is shinning, I am OK.

  6. Friday I got all excited and wore my spring jacket. By the end of the day I was back in my winter coat. is slowly ramping up temperature wise. I don't think we're going to see any more double negatives for a while now. There are daffodil sprouts in my garden.

  7. Mr. Cro you are a bit childish, seems to be a competition whose wearing spring jackets, winter coats or shorts. You got the privilege to see swallows which no one else sees. That's what we call to be visionary.

    1. OK, so I'm a 'childish visionary'; so bloody what!

  8. I'm just enjoying this glorious sunshine while it lasts. Wonderful!

  9. Mother Nature is laughing fit to burst here today Cro. After a complete week of glorious Spring today there is a gale blowing, it is ten degrees colder and it is raining. I too was going to sort out the spring clothes - shall now leave it until next week.

  10. On Friday I went to drop off some work at the office in jeans, t-shirt and sandals, glorying in the sunshine. Today I am back in t-shirt, jeans, socks, boots, sweatshirt and bodywarmer because it's snowing!

  11. And here I was, smiling broadly, because I can now see about 50% of my yard snow-free. I feel Mud Season is finally underway in my corner of the world.
