Thursday 9 April 2015

It's getting NASTY.

                         Résultat de recherche d'images pour "the camerons with son Ivan"

The UK is in pre-election mode, and everyone is having a swipe at everyone else. It's normal.

But, I have just read an article (blog?) by someone called 'Mama Lewis' that really made my blood boil.

'Mama Lewis', who has a disabled daughter herself, has attacked Prime Minister David Cameron's wife, Samantha, for having granted an interview about the grief she endured on losing her disabled son (above in pushchair).

OK, it's all a bit of fun having a go at a politician for having two kitchens, or two Jags, or having been to a good school, but to attack his wife because she was unfortunate enough to have a disabled child, and then to berate her when she mourns his death, is just about the cruellest jibe that I could ever imagine. I never thought that left-wing party political electioneering could stoop quite that low.

Luckily Samantha Cameron is a highly intelligent woman, and I'm sure she'll treat Ms Lewis's writing with the disdain it deserves.

I know very little about 'Mama Lewis' but she appears to be a Cancer-suffering American who lives in London. She was recently on ITV News demanding that Lambeth Council provide her and her daughter with a better home; no doubt all at the UK's expense. Well you would, wouldn't you!

If (heaven forbid) Ms Lewis's daughter should one day succumb to her disabilities, I doubt very much if any of Mr Cameron's supporters would be unkind to her; it simply isn't the way that Conservatives behave!

My sincere sympathy goes out to everyone who has a disabled child (including Ms Lewis), and especially to those who lose a child at such a young age. The Camerons' son Ivan was born with Cerebral Palsy, and sadly died aged 6. I really don't think this should be a subject for political insults and point-scoring.


  1. Don't tar all of us pinko lefties with the same brush. I'm horrified too! Some snipes across the bow are personal, cruel and inapproriate. The 'nasty party' who make them are comprised of individuals of all political colours.

    1. One can but wonder that had this been the story of Mrs Milliband (instead of Samantha Cameron), if this woman would have written such a nasty article.... I very much doubt it.

      As I said in para 4, having a go at each other is all part of the fun; but not about disability and death please!

  2. Best thing to do is ship Mama back to the States.

    1. She'd have to pay for everything back in the US, over in the UK it's all free.

  3. I don't want to hear about their personal lives or see wives (or husbands) at all. I do not want to hear about Cameron's son, and one can't help but think he is point scoring and guilty as the rest. As for Ms Lewis you are correct in what you say. The Guardian love her.

    1. It wasn't the Camerons themselves who instigated the interview. Frankly I'm rather surprised that SC agreed to it.

  4. I haven't read the article, and know nothing of the woman who wrote it.
    What I do know is that David Cameron brings up his dead son every time he is questioned about the state of the NHS, and now just weeks before the election, his wife is publicly discussing her grief for the first time, six years after the event.The cynic in me says that this is just another part of their political game, but whatever the reason, I'm not interested in it. Their son, and their grief, are irrelevant to the running of this country.

    1. As I said above, it wasn't SC who went to the press, it was the press who went to her. If they see it as of interest during the lead-up to the election, that's their business. I'm sure that SC would never have considered her son's death as an electioneering ploy.

  5. Replies
    1. It's about time you returned to your page! You are missed.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I tend to agree. As I said above, I'm very surprised that she agreed to the interview. But I don't suppose she anticipated the venom.

  7. These days the 'muck rakers' go right to the bottom of the pile don't they?

  8. Replies
    1. I've applied for a UK postal vote, but as yet I've heard nothing!

  9. Politicians and the press, they all swim in the same cesspool.

  10. It really doesn't matter who is spouting what, in the end they are all the same make the poor suffer in order for the rich to prosper.
    I'm sick of it already.

  11. I agree Cro, I am avoiding the news until after the general election. I will vote and will always vote but don't want to read this stuff.

  12. Some people just have too much to say

    1. or use far too many words to say too little.

      Losing a child is a painful experience regardless on which side of the aisle you sit, and to stoop to such measures to belittle that doesn't help the speaker's cause she wishes to champion. And, since she likely cannot vote, unless she has UK citizenship, why should anyone give her space in the paper for her rant?

  13. Mr. & Mrs. C .know what they do. What a shame to expose their dead child. If you do not want to answer a question you can not get forced to do so. Is Mrs. C stupid ?

    1. If you really think that SC hoped to gain sympathy votes for her husband, then you're as bonkers as Ms Lewis.
