Monday 2 March 2015

Serious Signs of Spring.

Spring is showing its good intentions. These mini blue Irises have just popped up.

As have most of the Daffs.

But the most encouraging sign that Spring is in the air are the Toads on the pool cover. They arrive every year and, if allowed, produce long lines of black spotted Toad Spawn. I have already removed them, plus another single male, to a nearby pond.

Before long there'll be Pussy Willow, birds nests, purple sprouting Broccoli, and Cuckoos. I can feel the blood rising, and I like it..


  1. and, of course, it is starting to feel like autumn here although we have been having wonderful weather the evenings and early mornings are getting cooler and the nights longer.

    1. We're going through a drizzle/rainy period at the moment, but things are certainly improving.

  2. I've just been to inspect the pool cover, and there are another 3 female Toads and 2 males. Another trip to Laurence's pond later today.

  3. We have sleet here at the moment - not such a good sign and its not getting any warmer either!

  4. It feels like snow here this morning, very wintry in the east of England.

  5. I saw some of those mini irises in a garden yesterday…beautiful.

  6. Your ahead of us along the south coast, bitter wind here today. But thank you for showing us the promise of what is to come (but no frogs or pond here)

  7. Lucky you. Here it is snowing heavily and there is an inch lying on the fields. It is promised to be warmer by the weekend but at the moment brrrr.

  8. It is amazing how fast things are changing. Here is almost summer:)

  9. I congratulate you! We still have a meter of snow on the ground....your post gives me hope.

  10. lucky you to be seeing signs of Spring...we won't be seeing that here for quite some time

  11. Bitterly cold in Wiltshire today. So, do we migrate south before or after Easter? Decisions, decisions.

    1. Remember the ice saints; May 11, 12, and 13.

  12. Mmmm, next (your) autumn, I hope to be there. So I can enjoy the spring.

  13. For someone who's not fussed on the Winter, those signs of Spring must really put a smile on your face Cro. Those miniature iris' are beautiful. I have been clearing our wildlife pond and sprinkling special stuff on it to get rid of the duckweed. We have lots of toads, frogs, newts and often have dragonfly larvae on the iris' …… it's so lovely to be talking of Spring things, isn't it ? !!!! XXXX

  14. We've had a lot of snow up here today, brrrrrr

  15. Very sunny and warm here, in fact my hardy banana tree stumps are starting to sprout spring growth.

  16. We're expecting a late heatwave and 39 degrees on Thursday. Roll on Autumn !!

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