Tuesday 24 March 2015

School Curriculum addendum.


We've all noticed failings in our school's educational standards, and, in the past, I've been known to offer advice in the form of alternative curricula.

May I now offer this extra subject addition.... 'LIFE MANAGEMENT'.

It would 'teach' some of the more basic life skills; amongst others....

1. Speaking without grunting.
2. How not to send 'personal' photos via mobile telephone.
3. How not to start wars.
4. Correct method of wearing trousers.
5. How to walk past a tattoo parlour, without entering.
6. Holding a knife and fork (if owned) correctly.
7. How to sit on a chair (if owned) at a dining table (if owned).
8. Family planning.
9. How to write words on paper.
10. What one does with a 'book'.

OK, it means adding one extra subject to the usual curriculum, but I'm sure we could get rid of some of the unnecessary ones (PE, or RE).

N.B. In my handy illustration above, I do think the gentleman could tuck his elbows in a tiny bit.


  1. "Buck up your ideas you bloody old curmudgeon" (I am allowed to say that because I am 64 years old - Now read this: "

    “Our youth now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for their elders and love chatter in place of exercise; they no longer rise when elders enter the room; they contradict their parents, chatter before company; gobble up their food and tyrannize their teachers.”

    Who said this - None other than Socrates - so nothing much has changed - And NO I don't rest my case, I am regrouping for my next comment on your metaphorical cartoons.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Now Cro me old mate - let me put your right about these cartoons of yours - They are a wonderful metaphor for all the curmudgeonly moaning of us old people, and if the world is going to hell in a handcart take a GOOD LOOK at these cartoons - These are my issues:
    1 - The man has his eyes closed.

    2 - His elbows are sticking out (pity the people on either side of him.

    3 - He's wearing a jacket! ? My old dad would have a thick ear from my mum for that!

    4 - He hasn't loosened his tie a smidgeon - absolute proof that he will grow up Anal Retentive.

    5 - He is badly groomed (There is a clump of hair out of place above his left eye.

    6 - He isn't smiling, does he have no regard for the cook, no countenance that speaks of gratitude?

    7 - He has sweat stains in the right armpit of his jacket
    ( I told you he should have taken off his jacket ).

    8 - There is food on his face below his lip ( Just what sort of upbringing did he have!!!)

    I am a retired teacher of over 40 years (since 1974) and I say that the world is in good hands, the vast majority of the youth of today are fantastic -- AND if they have any bad habits? I wonder just where, and from whom did they learn them?
    There now that feels a little better - Thank you for that Cro, you have really brightened up my day.

    I deleted the first posting of this so I could correct the spelling mistakes - just more proof that even OLD teachers of our generation aren't perfect.

    1. I've posted that Socrates quote myself in the past. Love it. I was also a teacher, but I only lasted 2 years. Thanks for your notes.

  4. Agree wholeheartedly with your 10 suggestions, but cannot be sure if the fellow pictured is not eating his wallet. Also unfamiliar with "RE". Guessing it is religious education --not something we have in the states under college level. However, we do have PE, which encourages sports. Sports are very popular here and, now that you've got me thinking about them, are very close to religion --group activities, in fact, of nearly identical construction. Yes, I agree also these recreations could be profitably replaced by lessons in social decorum.

  5. 11. How not to act like a prig, it doesn't go with the tattoos.

  6. Delete RE by all means but not sports... There are so many other subects that could be deleted: sex, drugs, cultural awareness, yoghurt knitting, tree hugging etc.

    1. I don't associate PE with Sports. PE in the UK tends to be leaping, twirling, tumbling, star jumping, and other silliness. Cricket, Rugby, and Football would remain for boys, and Netball, Rounders, Beach Volleyball, and Lacrosse for girls.

    2. I really don't want to make point, but I must correct you. I think you meant to type Hockey rather than Beach Volleyball, easy mistake to make:)

      (Don't think I don't know how you made the mistake.)

  7. How to read a "real" watch.

    1. What will they do in Alzhimer's tests when they will be old? reading a watch is one of the first tests.

  8. I work in a first school and would like to add, parents need to stop coming into school from when children begin to when they leave when they are 10!!! and helping them carry bags and generally treat them like babies. This is why they can't put their own coats on, fasten zips, decide what to eat at lunchtime, think for themselves, it's the helicopter parents, ok I'll get off my soapbox :)

  9. Great idea, and stop parents from throwing elaborate birthday parties during the school day.

    1. Each party being more expensive and elaborate than the last. Horrible.

  10. Could you add another one? How to engage in intelligent conversation with friends over coffee. A friend and I sat in a coffee bar this morning on a table next to three young women who spent their entire time on their mobiles scrolling down, looking at photographs etc. Nobody spoke at all and there seemed to be no interaction. Is this the way the world is going?

    1. I fear it is; I see it all the time. The worst is seeing couples walking together, both on their phones.

  11. What a lot of old fogies you are.

    1. If wanting to preserve high standards is being an 'old fogie', then count me in! OLD FOGIES RULE; OK?

    2. The funny thing is young peope today appear less adventurous and less fun than we were and less likely to rebel. The ones I work with appear very goody goody in spite of all the tattoos and grunts.

  12. I'd like to add.....finding a way to avoid having multiple piercings on their bodies with horrible things sticking out of them.

  13. I agree with Rachel - what a pack of moaning old fogies. Hey, the glass is half full, not half empty.... I agree that maybe ordinary human interaction is often ambushed by cell phones and the like... BUT! look at all of us! Hunched over bloody computers ignoring everyone else in sight, commenting on blogposts!!! LOL LOL LOL

  14. There are some very classic psychological reasons why old people spend their time criticizing the young, but far be it for me to remind you all of what these are : > )
