Tuesday 17 March 2015

Fuck*ng ANNOYED.

You can imagine my excitement when a man arrived at the door yesterday afternoon, saying he was there to deliver the new wood fired cooker (with back boiler) for the barn.

With some difficulty he backed his huge lorry up to the barn, unloaded a big plastic wrapped cube, and with our help managed to wheel the 250 kilo lump of cast iron indoors; into roughly the position it will eventually fill. 

However, our excitement soon faded when we opened the crate to find that the stove had obviously fallen forwards at some time, and there was considerable damage to the front. Four handles were broken off, other bits were bent, there was a chip on the front, and there were some pieces totally missing.

Frankly I find it unbelievable knowing that several people must have witnessed what had happened, but decided to totally ignore it, throw away the broken bits, and deliver it regardless. In fact such things drive me fucking mad!

So, what to do? Well we've had quiet words with the retail company, and we've told them to take the bloody thing away. How dare they try to sell us damaged goods..... Bloody cheek. 

Some days you just wish you'd stayed in bed. I'm FURIOUS.


  1. Oh that sort of thing drives me wild! Imagine what it is like waiting months for something and then finally opening the 20 foot container and finding the goods damaged! And naturally, everyone who handled it along the way will deny responsibility. Apart from the bloody inconvenience, what really makes me angry is that someone is obviously hoping we are too stupid to either notice or complain.

    1. That is exactly how I feel, and we've been waiting for months too!

  2. It is a sad indictment of the world in which we live, cover it up quick, we didn't do it, no one will know mentality and pass it on to the next bugger. Horrible.

    1. That's what annoys me the most... No-one takes responsibility, yet probably everyone knows about the damage.

  3. It is unbelievable things like that also make me crazy. Wish we in blogland could help in any way.

    1. That's a nice thought. We're sending the wretched thing back!

  4. Heartfelt commiserations, Cro. At so many levels this is frustrating and infuriating...

  5. Absolutely bloody infuriating. Did the deliverers manage to escape with all their body parts intact?

    1. He was given a congratulatory slap on the back for having manoeuvred it up several flights of steps etc. I'm now regretting having been so generous. I hope they send the same guy to collect it.

    2. I doubt that the truck driver knew about the damage any more than you did.

  6. I can only echo what everyone else has said. Someone must have know that the goods had been damaged but was too lily-livered to own up to it. Happens too often. Maddening and frustrating.

  7. I don't blame you. When I take delivery of massive marble carvings, they come in crates which have little plastic tell-tales on the side. They are full of blue granules, and if the crate has tipped at any time, the granules fill up a hole where they should not be, so you can blame the shipper.

    1. This oven wasn't cheap (about £2,000), and has been shipped from Serbia. I quite imagine it has been thrown from truck to truck, depot to depot, etc. Well they can have the bloody thing back.

    2. There's cunts all over the world - my father told me that (he lied).

  8. C'est la vie, comme on dit en France ! May be the oven was already damaged in Serbia? Normally ovens can not be damaged so easily, who knows !

    1. It's not really the oven itself which is damaged, it's the handles, and everything else that protrudes from the front.

  9. Of course the longer it goes on the longer they have your money and the interest it earns. It's a crafty little ruse.

  10. It must have been quite a fall to damage something so big and heavy........I don't blame you for sending it back. I just hope you don't have to wait forever for another one.

  11. I am sure I would have cried. What a disappointment that must have been. I hope the company does right by you now and rushes you a replacement.

  12. Oy! I would be furious too!

    When I managed a furniture store, we had the worst time with fedex making deliveries for us. We tried shipping a headboard to a woman in the northeast 3 times, and all 3 times the pieces arrived damaged. The last delivery we attempted was the the final straw. The delivery driver dropped the box at the woman's front door and tried to drive away without ringing the bell. She saw him through the window and chased him down the street, determined that he would be there when she unpacked the box. Lo and behold.....there was a TIRE TRACK down the middle of the box!!! No wonder he tried to run without seeing her! We ended up just refunding her money...but to this day I can't believe someone at a warehouse ran over the box with a forklift and then apparently said, "F*ck it" and sent it on out for delivery! No wonder the driver tried to drop it off and run!!!

    1. When I was a student I had a Summer job with a Removals Co. One man had sent a container load of furniture from the USA to the UK; when we opened it, all his furniture was in bits Not one thing remained undamaged. His wife just sat sobbing.

  13. Very bad service Vro - buy your stove somewhere else is my advice - and give them a rocket.
