Wednesday 4 March 2015

CAGE. The Enemy Within?

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Just in case you are unaware, 'CAGE' is an English 'Human Rights Group' who support the Taliban, al Qaeda, and the charming Jihadi John (above right). Their director, Asim Qureshi (above left), recently described the latter as 'an extremely gentle, and beautiful young man'. No doubt he really meant 'an extremely gentle and beautiful young man who beheads people in front of a movie camera'.

It is difficult in a liberal democratic society such as the UK's, to stop organisations such as 'CAGE' being established. What is NOT so difficult, however, is to stop them being funded by woolly thinking, naive left wing liberals.

It has recently been divulged that two well known British charities have been handing-out dosh to 'CAGE' like there's no tomorrow.

It is unimaginable to most right-thinking people that The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, and The Roddick Foundation, should between them have funded these idiots to the tune of about £300,000.

Daftness comes in all shapes, colours, and sizes, and the UK has more than its fair share of loony-left Human Rights protagonists, but what the hell would both Joseph Rowntree and (maybe less so) Anita Roddick have thought of their hard earned cash being handed over to well known enemies of the state.

I would have thought that sponsoring an organisation that has known links to terrorist groups would be an offence in the UK; so, will these half-baked charities end up in front of the beak? I very much doubt it; unless of course Cheerie Blair is making a fortune by defending them!


  1. Yuo see. I f it was a post about wine or food or candlsticks you would get at least 5 comments by now.Sometimes I feel sorry for blogland.

  2. There is something to be said for a benign dictatorship. Groups such as CAGE would have difficulty surviving here (literally).

  3. Our world is a scary place, with loads of do gooders, we look on and think 'what the'. The people with power live in a very different world to ours and they don't listen.

  4. To hear the excuses given for Emwazi by CAGE is an insult to everybody in the UK. To say that he was a kind and gentle person and then blame the British Security services for making him murder aid workers and journalists is beyond belief. And to believe he went to Tanzania for a holiday makes Qureshi sound very naïve. Roddick and Rowntree funds should make sure recipients of their grants know and understand the ten commandments first, especially thou shalt not kill.

  5. I wish more people will listen to what Cro have to say. Only few realy understand the situation from what I read and see in the net.The woerd is wide but it it us the small people who are living in it and can make it better.

  6. Replies
    1. I just get so annoyed by all the dangerously woolly thinking that there is around. It can cause far more problems that it solves.

    2. Political correctness is the ruling party in the UK.

  7. I'm astonished! What complete and utter madness.


  8. Dark Star Safari' about his solo journey from Cairo to Cape Town, through some of themost deprived areas of Africa? He has on the whole a very poor opinion of the Aid Agencies - for various reasons. But it does makes sense what he says and it is certainly food for thought. We do tend in this country to give money to so called Charitable Organisations without really looking in to what lies behind them.

  9. I am sorry Cro but Google seems to have missed out my first sentence, which should read:
    Have you read Paul Theroux's

    1. I haven't read it Weaver, but nothing really surprises me about so-called 'charities'. I once heard an African hotelier saying that all aid agency workers asked for their bills to be upped by a few hundred quid, so that they could claim higher 'expenses' back home. Such is life!

  10. Agree with all. However complicity is not unlawful but should be. Along with apathy and complacency.

  11. You will like also the "old patagonian express,"Weaver, It is interesting.

  12. I have no words. Except to say the world has gone mad.

  13. Here in the US we have CAIR, Council on American Islamic Relations. A front for the Muslim Brotherhood dedicated to excusing, justifying and subsidizing terrorism under the guise of a charitable organization. CAIR was a co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation effort to launder and funnel funds to Hamas and other know terrorist groups. The frightening part is these guys have the ear of the president and are frequent official visitors to the white-house. And the president's closest adviser, Iranian native Valerie Jarrett openly applauds their efforts.

    1. Sounds like a sister organisation... What's the betting that they inter-communicate?

  14. I don't begin to understand the complexities of what is happening in the world right is saddening to see those of our species turning against each other. I don't think we'll need to worry about overpopulation the way things are going.

  15. Well and what about Mossad ???!!!

    1. Keep pissing in to the wind Adrian it betrays you every time.

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