Thursday 19 February 2015



Sometimes I despair. I sit down, hold my head in my hands, and wonder what on earth is going on inside the minds of certain of my fellow humans.

The world is such a wonderful place, but we abuse it, poison it, and destroy it. Worst of all we kill others simply because they think in a slightly different way to ourselves.

I feel like grabbing those 'certain people' by the ears, giving them a bloody good shake, and telling them to be grateful for the beauty that surrounds them. But what's the point.

Better, I suppose, to be like the majority and simply look after No 1. The 'I'm all right Jack' attitude will suit me fine from now on. The thieves can steal, the trolls can troll, and the idiots forever march forward. I couldn't care less.

As long as Haddock's continues to provide me with delicious tomatoes, my orchard continues to provide untainted fruit, and my fire provides warmth in the winter, I shall now say "bugger off world, and leave me alone".

It amazes me that with all the beauty the world has to offer, there are still those amongst us who think of nothing but blood-letting and destruction. I just don't understand it.

I shall try not to, but I'll still worry about it; it's in my nature!... I don't think I've ever been as depressed about the world's future, as I am now.


  1. Cro, in an atmosphere of greed and alienation, the disaffected and disenfranchised are easily led to slaughter and slaughter others. History doesn't just repeat, it compounds all the crazy of its pageant. Solution is individual adjustment and commitment to peace. Raise new generations to better ideas, like you are doing.

  2. I know how you feel. The evil overwhelms me also, so I make up my mind to just care about my own inner circle. However, that does not last long, because I worry about my children and grandchildren and their future. Nothing to do, except to be kind to those who pass my way and hope that they will do the same.

    I love how well Geo writes. He has a wonderful heart.

  3. This is why I avoid news programs, newspapers. Funny thing is, the news couldn't care less!

  4. Y'know Cro, I have been feeling the same way. I have never been so depressed about the world situation as I have been these last few weeks. What to do,who knows. Try to ignore it, like you say.

  5. I would like to stay in bed all day today.

  6. A very sad and depressing post, but unfortunately also accurate.

  7. I feel as you do, Ceo. This mornings video coverage of the Paris Metro scene concerning Chelsea fans has left me in despair. As Ghandi supposedly said - be the change you want to see in the world , Grow your own tomatoes and lift your face to the sun.

  8. Like you Cro, I feel helpless in the face of such depressing news - the killings, the refugees, the destruction of so many things of beauty in the world. Every new bulletin seems to send us further into the slough of despond. I think all we can do is to find beauty in our surroundings and keep going. I do agree that those fans on the Paris Metro were a disgrace to our country - yes it was too near home for comfort.

  9. Ditto all the above. Have you heard of Leunig Cro? You might like his work.

    1. I think my old friend Jock Veitch knew him at the SMH. I don't really know his work, but I'll have a look.

  10. Oh Cro I know how you feel and want to pull up the drawbridge too. Trouble is we have the next generations to worry about otherwise I could do just that until I slipped away in my little world.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I was not sure about my English. Too many mistakes I think.

  12. I am glad I'm not alone in these thoughts. I saw something in the news yesterday which talked about sending more fanatics into Europe, that is a bit worrying. Feels like they are coming to get me and makes me want to go and live in the Outer Hebrides.

    1. Unless someone does something about it.... which I don't think they will. It's not PC.

  13. So it's got to you too. Don't worry, me and H.I. are going to come and live with you in the country.

    1. I think it's getting to everyone. Can you dig?

    2. We don't expect to do any manual work ay Haddocks, thanks.

  14. I'm afraid it's impossible not to care about brutality, destruction, violence and the rest. There must be millions of us who despair at all the stupidity in the world. I look after those I love and do my bit for the rest as often as I can. But if you're a sensitive soul like me your own happiness is always tinged by the cruelty in the world.


  15. If you go back to the roots of humanity , you.must admit that there was always war, destruction, hate, envy, greed and the list is long. The powerful always make profit with the weak and this will unfortunately never change. We call it human nature and it's awful. So give a smile to your neighbour and if lucky you will get s smile back.
    Sara Miller

  16. Just a hermit
    may I be
    alone in peace
    and poverty

    The world is a nasty place lately.

  17. The world may go and do as it pleases, it's my job to make my little corner a place of peace and joy and I work hard at it.

    1. Me three, think of your lovely family Cro and do the best you can, that's my mantra.

  18. I know all too well the feeling you describe, Cro. The world has gone mad. Just last Friday, at the bookstore where I work, we started the day with a pervert in the children's dept. of our store, leering at a woman and her two little girls, with his hand down his pants fondling himself....of course we called security and had him dealt with. Then, that night (30 minutes after I left work) two groups of people in the mall where our store is located started arguing, and one man pulled out a gun and started shooting. Mass chaos ensued and hundreds of terrified people were running through our store to escape the gunfire. Thank goodness the only injury was one person got shot twice in the leg but will be ok. The whole mall went into lockdown and they still haven't found the shooter. Terrifying.

    I wish I could retire young and just stay home and be a hermit.

    1. How dreadful, that really brings things into proportion. Keep your head down!

  19. Sad to read this Cro. I feel the same way and as I'm a pessimist I really rely on (usually) optimists like you to pick me up and make me see the good side of life...we must all try to 'increase the peace' and hope..x

  20. I know just what you mean. I avoid the TV news and newspapers except local ones. A girl at work was 21 this week and as I congratulated her I thought would I like to be 21 again today. I decided I would not. Then I thought back to when I was 21, it seemed everyone was on strike, we had the 3 day week then the oil crisis.

    Were things really darker then? I think they may have been, especially when the lights went out :)

  21. Focus on the good and it's not too bad. For every negative story there are thousands of good ones not worth reporting. Good stories don;t sell papers!

  22. Interesting to read how others cope/rationalise our difficult world. I sometimes feel despairing but Kev is right good news doesn't sell papers and we have access to so much information now it is hard to keep a sense of balance.
    I think you are also grieving for and missing Monty as I would if it were one of my dogs. How is Bok? Love from Jan Bx.

    1. Bok seems surprisingly indifferent to losing his best friend, but he has strengthened his relationship with his girlfriend 'Isis'.
