Tuesday 10 February 2015

RIP Monty (Montague Macbeth 'Magnon').

This is the most difficult page I have ever had to write; as you might imagine, we are in total shock. 

It was just 4 years ago that we collected our Labrador puppy Monty from Miss Tadpole's nearby rescue centre when he was just a beautiful ankle chewing toddler with a ravenous appetite (above).

Life wasn't always easy for the poor boy. Regular readers might remember his horrible encounter with a Processionary Caterpillar that caused him to lose about 2 cms of his tongue, he seemed to lurch from one disaster to another. 

Recently he started to vomit regularly, he totally lost his appetite, and he also began to have hourly seizures. His kidneys were malfunctioning to such an extent that there was no further hope, and the Vet' advised that the kindest thing to do was to let him go.

He was a lovely dog; children adored him, as did his friend Bok. Throughout his entire life he never uttered an angry growl. 

Bok and Monty became 'best friends' when they were both still pups, and it was their reluctance to be apart that led to us adopting Bok full time. They remained inseparable till the end; I don't know what long term effect his absence will have on Bok, but I imagine that, like us, he will miss him terribly.

So, goodbye my darling boy. We loved you more than you could ever know; our hearts now have a gaping hole, and our daily walks will never be the same again.

Thank you to everyone who sent such kind and caring good wishes; they were very much appreciated.

RIP Monty. 28. 12. 2010 - 09. 02. 2015


  1. It is terrible when a pet gets sick and heart wrenching when that final decision must be made.

    1. It was horrible, but the Vet' was very good. We shall bury him this morning..... not easy.

  2. I am in tears.
    I have had to say goodbye to several loves and I can maybe understand what you must be feelings.
    The fact we outlive our pet is so sad.


  3. Far too young, so sad, it happens to us all but it is never easy.

  4. Oh Cro... I am so sad, poor Monty, I can hardly believe the news...I am devastated for you all. I know what it is like to have to make THE decision as we recently had to let go of one of our cats. I held her until the end and it near enough broke my heart! My sincere condolences.

    Jo in Auckland, NZ

  5. Oh, Cro...I am so very, very sorry for you and your family. Nothing hurts any worse than saying goodbye to a beloved dog. I wish I could say something to lessen the hurt. I've been in your position and I know that the only thing that really helps is time. My heart is breaking for you.

    I hope you can take a little comfort in the knowledge that Monty had a great life with a loving family. What a handsome and sweet boy he was! Reading about his adventures with Bok has been one of my favorite things about your blog. I'll be holding all of you (Bok included) close in my thoughts.

    Hugs to you, my friend.

  6. My heart is breaking for you, Lady M, and Bok.
    Rest in peace sweet Monty.

  7. So very, very sorry Cro. x

  8. Poor old Monty. Sorry to hear this news Cro. xx

  9. Oh dear, that's so sad. My sincere sympathies Cro, to you and Lady Cro. Such a sweet dog, gone too soon. Sleep well, dear Monty.

  10. Cro I am so sad to hear that Monty is gone. I'm sure you know that time does heal and lovely memories of him will live on. Extra cuddles for Bok I think as he will miss him most of all. x

  11. Poor Monty. Gutted to read this this morning. You should be proud of the good life you gave him.

  12. Sincerely sorry to hear this news. My best wishes.

  13. Oh Cro - poor old Monty - we will all miss him.

  14. The news we all dreaded. I am so sorry. Useless tears are falling here.

  15. Oh no! So sorry to read this. What a character, what a loss to you all. x

  16. Really sorry to hear this news Cro.

  17. I love reading your blog, Cro , and am so sad for you and your wife. My thoughts are with you.

  18. Sending big hugs to you and M'Lady. I know too well how heavy your hearts are feeling xx

  19. So sorry to hear this, Cro. I know all too well what a hole dogs leave in our lives when they go. He had a happy life with you and was loved and well cared for.

  20. So sorry to hear this sad news. My thoughts and hugs are with you all xx

  21. So sorry to read this......so sad. Without sounding crass I wondered if you were going keep him close to you on your land now? I hope so......x

  22. He was cute for sure , but I must say better a short good life than a long full of pain. Labs very often get kidney troubles don't know why.
    Sara Miller

  23. Tears here too for you and Lady M. I know how it hurts and nothing really helps. My dear friends next door had to have their beloved dog put to sleep on Saturday…too many doggie deaths! I have only lost one dog, my first, and I still cry 18 months later , inspite of now having my dear mini schnauzer.

  24. That is so sad. My heart is with you and Lady M.

  25. I am so, so sorry to hear this. I have enjoyed reading all about his exploits these past years, and he will be very much missed in blog-land. My thoughts are with you both, and poor Bok x

  26. Oh Cro, Lady M, Bok and all of your family …… I'm so sorry to hear your sad news. I do know how you feel as we have lost pets over the years and, I am so heartbroken when they go that I can't have anymore pets.
    I know that you all have so many happy memories of Monty and how lovely that you shared his life. He must have had a wonderful time with you all even though it was only for a short while. Lots of love and thinking of you all. XXXX

  27. Writing through the tears here. Having lost pets myself I feel your loss, so sad.

  28. Oh Cro... I am so sorry to hear your sad news xxx

  29. So sorry to hear this. It's always difficult but when the dog is so young it is even harder. Completely understand your pain.

  30. Oh dammit. Dead dogs are the worst kind of grief.
    I'm very sorry Cro.

    If you see him occasionally in the next few weeks, from the corner of your eye, a brief flash of Monty, then know that he is happy wherever he is. I don't know if anyone else has experienced this but I have seen all of my dead dogs (and friends) shortly after they died and it always felt okay.

    1. Funny you should post this, Sarah, as I was just thinking about something that happened the day after my dog Nicky died. I had the most vivid dream where he was with me in my kitchen, wagging his tail and happy, and he stood up on his back legs to look out of the door, as he used to do as a young dog.

      It didn't occur to me until a couple of days later that my boy had been so crippled with arthritis the last couple of years of his life that he hadn't been able to stand up on two legs like that. That dream was comforting to me, almost like he was visiting to let me know he was ok.

    2. I've had the same with cats I've known and loved who have died; sometimes I see them out of the corner of my eye, although more often, I hear them meow on occasion, and it has always comforted me.

      Cro, i'm so very sorry for your and yours.

  31. I'm so sorry to read this, Cro. They leave such a big hole in our hearts when they leave us, don't they?

  32. I'm so sorry to read this, Cro. They leave such a big hole in our hearts when they leave us, don't they?

  33. Sorry to hear this...The Pirate still misses his dogs, so know how you feel xx

  34. Your morning walks will be very sad for a while but time heals and one day you will smile as a memory comes back to you. We had to make this same decision last summer but she was nearly 17 years old so we had been expecting it. Our Beauceron is not yet 10 but has cancer so we will have to go down this route again soon. Take care.

  35. I'm so sorry, Cro. What a terrible loss this is. Sending you both a hug. Rest in peace, dear Monty. Deb

  36. Poor little soul. Such a hard time. My heart is broken for you Cro. I've been there and I know how hard it is.

  37. Ah Cro. I'm so very sorry for your loss. He was a beautiful dog and am so sad to read of his passing. Hugs to you both and to Bok xxx

  38. I'm so sorry to hear your sad news Cro xx

  39. So sad for you Cro. One of the most difficult things in life is to bid adieu to a beloved pet. Dear Monty will be very much missed. X

  40. I am so sorry my friend....
    I understand completely how you feel.
    He had four happy years with you...not long enough for sure.........but happy years
    Best wishes

  41. So sorry.
    Kind and heartfelt thoughts to both of you. X

  42. It's rather like a person dying aged 28. Too young to go.

  43. Like all of your readers, I am so very sorry for loss. Every morning, I would look for your post with the hope that the vet would find a way to make Monty better. You introduced us to a beautiful boy who we came to care about and now we all grieve along with you.

  44. I am very sad to read this. Poor Monty and poor you and Lady M.

  45. So, so sorry to hear this :(

  46. I am so sorry for your family's loss Cro. Monty was a beautiful pup that filled your lives with love and energy.

    He shared a good life in your loving home with you, Lady Magnon, his best fiend Bok and the rest of the family.

    My thoughts are with you and your family.

  47. I am really sorry for the loss of your boy Monty. This little blogging community that follows MM is mourning along with you and your family.

  48. That is so sad and his time with you was not long enough. He certainly deserved more. It is such a gut wrenching choice to have to make. We all share in your grief.

  49. Add me to the list of mourners. So sad.

  50. Please accept my sincere condolences on the loss of such a lovely family member. I recently laid my beloved Tess to rest after 13 years of devotion of love from that sweet soul, so I am in tears once again for your loss. Hugs from across the pond to all of you.

  51. Poor Monty.I am so sorry....heart breaking time for you both. My condolences.

  52. I was hoping Monty would improve, I am very sorry for your loss.

  53. Very sorry for your loss. We've had to help dogs end their lives and it never gets easier. But Oh, the joy they give us before that sad days. Hugs from the Monashee Mountains.

  54. Dear Crow and Lady M,
    So very sorry to hear of Monty’s passing, fond memories of your wonderful dog will be with us all forever.

  55. Oh I'm so sorry to hear of your sad loss.

  56. Thank you for sharing him with us. Lovely, lovely dog.

  57. Have just read this - Cro, I'm so sorry.

  58. Oh Cro, I am so very sorry. I have had many dearly loved dogs in my life and the death of each and every one has caused me heartache, but the difference is that they have all lived a normal life span. This darling chap was no age at all. You must all be devastated. Take comfort from the fact that you gave him a wonderful life and when it was time for him to go you took the vet's advice and did the right thing. I send my love to you and to Lady M (and a hug for Bok too.)

  59. So very sad for you and your family.

  60. I feel so sad. It is heartbreaking losing a dog. They are so loving and bring so much joy into our lives. R I P dear Monty. Marion x

  61. Massive shame. He looks a lovely chap. Hope Bok is not too depressed without his chum.

  62. This is so very sad, and he was so very young. My thoughts are with you and I'm sending hugs.

  63. Cro, I have just seen this and am very sorry about your beautiful baby. You were a wonderful owner. My heart goes out to you--it's a terrible pain to lose a pet.
