Sunday 15 February 2015

Proud Grumpy.

My 4 older grandsons, two of whom are with me at the moment, are all now between 6 and 9 years old (I hope that's right), and are slowly becoming lucid, intelligent, and inquisitive young men.

They are also beginning to show signs of their eventual 'manly good looks'. I'm not one who thinks that being good looking is necessarily very important in life, but I certainly think that it helps with self-confidence.

Aussie Finn (above) has Michael York type looks, and is also the potential actor of the family; although from the photo it looks as if he may become an Entomologist.

I took my two N London grandsons with me to the Vet's yesterday. Bok needed a booster jab, and I thought it a good idea to let them see the inner workings of a Vet's surgery. When questioned later, neither of them showed any interest in becoming a Vet'; preferring to opt for the more traditional trades of Astronaut and Police-car driver. 

I expect their aspirations will change.


  1. There comes a, more a moment, when I saw in each of my children some look, some expression, that prefigured the exceptional adults they would become. It happened when they were young, about the age of your grandson in the photo, and remained with me, changed me. I could never think of them only as children again, but as men and women who needed me in their pasts. You are further into grandparenting than I, but the drill is familiar. Here we go again.

    1. The next milestone will be 'a sense of humour'. I remember well when my children suddenly began to make me laugh; which they still do. It was a wonderful moment.

  2. They grow up so fast don't they. But at that age the world is their oyster and anything is possible.

  3. Joke for the humourless.
    Poor man goes to the village priest. "I want to borrow the donkey." Priest says: "Sorry but donkey is not here." Just then there's a braying from inside a locked shed. "The donkey is in your shed," says the poor man.
    Who do you believe, me or the donkey?" says the other.

    1. "The Donkey" replies the poor man (I presume).

  4. Laughed at Gwil's joke (above) - he seems to be spreading his jokes around the internet at the moment.
    Your grandson is gorgeous (but don't tell him so, it will give him ideas too soon in life) whatever he wishes to be when he reaches adulthood. The speed with which things are changing in the world means that there will probably be jobs which haven't been invented yet by the time he gets there.

    1. They might be drilling for minerals on some distant planet.

  5. Your grandson is a beautiful boy, my boy is 9 now and already I can see the good looking young man he will become. We think he has our best features but something extra has been added as he is far more attractive than we ever were :) The great thing is though he'smart, very funny but most importantly extremely kind, as my Mum said to her friend recently, he's beautiful inside and out :) ok I'll stop waxing lyrical now. When it comes to professions he wants to be an actor or a train driver !

    1. You're right to sing his praises. If we parents didn't; nobody would.

  6. A handsome little guy with a James Dean hair cut.

  7. Just keep exposing them to all different types of vocations... Perhaps one day you'll hear one of them refer to a jaunt with you that sparked their interest.

  8. Great photo of your beautiful grandchild. And what Delores said.

  9. What a gorgeous little boy, I have always had a special fondness for little boys, as opposed to little girls, so I was extremely pleased when I gave birth to my strapping baby boy, who has yet to make me a Granma.
    Enjoy your boys, I am a teeny bit envious.

    Oh, all right, a big bit envious.

  10. Cro, I just got new grand daughter, Penny Lane, this past Wednesday, and we are so proud. My grandson Oliver, who is five, lives to get a laugh. He recently left a large, dead beetle, that his Nonna gave him, on his Dad's bed as he left for school. His Dad said, I wondered what he was laughing about when he came down the stairs this morning. Grand children are fun.

  11. You have all the reasons to be proud.
