Sunday 8 February 2015

Policing Assange.


Julian Assange has now been holed-up in London's Ecuadorian Embassy for almost 1000 days, and the cost of policing its front door has risen to 10 Million quid.

Apparently it takes 3 coppers to watch the door (in case he tries to run away), and a rough estimate of the DAILY cost of these super-sleuths works out at £10,000.

I really had no idea that 'plod' earned so much. If there are 3 men on duty, doesn't that mean that they're each earning £3,300 per day? That gives each copper a monthly salary of about £66,000.

If my basic maths is right, it's very nice work if you can get it.

p.s. Aren't all embassies granted round-the-clock police security anyway? Yes, I thought they were!


  1. That makes the whole thing even more ridiculous. I can't see how they can arrest him if he has claimed asylum and is being transported in an embassy car to an airport. The whole Assange thing smacks of conspiracy which ever way you look at it. His attempt to get elected to the Senate back here failed and he doesn't get the press he once did. I believe he has become quite unwell whilst in the embassy ~ no sunlight, no exercise. I think we can all read where this will end.

    1. I'm a little surprised that the embassy staff haven't got fed-up with him, and handed him over. It doesn't do their reputation any good.

  2. Moaning minnie thinks like you
    Does the embassy stuff get the choice ?

    1. It was their decision to take him in; so it must also be their decision if they wanted him kicked out.

  3. It's such a strange situation.
    I find it a real pity that the US weighed in on, and therefore obfuscated, what could have been a straight-out sexual assault case. If Wikileaks - and Assange using his cult hero status to take advantage of women - were separated then the whole Ecuadorian embassy thing would be a no brainer. And a lot cheaper.

    1. Why the Ecuadorians should wish to protect an alleged rapist is anyone's guess.

    2. But that's kind of my point. If a simple sexual assault case wasn't embroiled within a larger political agenda, then the embassy would have no need to protect him.
      As far as I'm concerned, the guy's a creep when it comes to women. But now he looks like a political martyr, thanks to the US's actions and Sweden's failure to guarantee him a straight trial.

      Therefore $$$$

  4. I thought that about how much the police earn !! No idea how it costs that much.

  5. There should be an enormous pot pig somewhere in the house of commons where all the money that at present is wasted is put - probably pay off the national debt in a year.

    1. I think most of it is sent out to African potentates, who then deposit it in Swiss bank accounts.

  6. Sweden have "chosen" not to extradite Assange in what is not usually a big deal to extradite from here to there. The Swedish are not so squeaky clean and what stops them I wonder. The US would have him out of Sweden in no time and then what? Leave the Ecuadorians and the Swedes and the US to it and take off the guards and just walk away.

    1. Exactly.... one just wonders why it doesn't happen!

  7. Do we know if these "alleged rapes" is not a honey trap? Sounds odd to me that he committed two "alleged rapes". Is he some kind of sex maniac? Has he committed "alleged rapes" in any other countries? I smell a rat.

    1. "Is he some kind of sex maniac?"

      Nah, just the Gary Glitter/Jimmy S of our age.

    2. No idea Gwil; he's certainly gone out of his way to avoid extradition.

    3. He is a big headed perv but nothing that a good slap across the face wouldn't have dealt with. I believe the Swedes have got themselves into a deep water with the US and don't know what to do.

  8. I'm with Gwil, it all sounds fishy to me. A manufactured charge to get him to Sweden then whisk him off to the USA ? The whole thing is crazy!

  9. to love a story from the Daily Mail :D

    1. What have they been saying; I must have missed it.

  10. I bet any PCs who get to hear of their sudden pay increase will be delighted.

  11. The first thing that comes to mind for me is that my Youngest son is a nurse and he doesn't earn anywhere near that amount.

    1. Nor do I Briony; but then I didn't do my plod O level exam.

  12. I'd do it with a mate for £5000 a day.

  13. I'd get married for the same rate.

  14. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR complete madness.Bloody waste of money.

