Tuesday 17 February 2015


The tiny village of Montcabrier is about 10 kms from our house. The village itself is nothing special; it's quiet, a bit hilly, and littered with empty 'second homes'.

I visited a nearby vineyard yesterday with the boys, to stock-up on wine, then made a brief detour via Montcabrier to buy some of their delicious pain au levain (sour-dough bread) on the way home. 

I can't believe that this window (above) was originally designed for this very modest house; it looks more suited to some grand château. I suspect it was looted. 

This much grander house has a rather carbuncle-like 'turret' stuck on one corner, I imagine it's a lookout and defence device; the small slits probably designed for shooting arrows at tax collectors, or over friendly maidens' fathers. 

For such a small village, the church is quite grand (aren't they all?). It has a massive bell tower, and this spectacular carved doorway. The interior is quite dull, and no doubt offers nothing but hell and damnation.

Montcabrier is a nice little village but with one major flaw; in Summer the drains stink to high heaven.... French municipal plumbing at its worst.

Carved window 10/10. Baker 10/10. Church doorway 10/10. Drains 0/10..... You can't have it all.


  1. Drains are important! Especially in summer.

  2. It looks delightful but I can just imagine the smell from those drains - yuk!!

  3. I love that small window but not the carbuncle and definitely not the drains.

  4. With the odor in summer, I can understand why there are empty second homes.

  5. That window certainly says "Ta Daa!!"

  6. I like the church doorway. I might as well go in and ask for forgiveness but I fear I am too late as i head for hell and damnation.

  7. Beautiful architecture. Thanks for the tour.

  8. And does no-one do anything about those drains? Rather like our road into town today, where there is a fallen-in manhole cover protected by traffic lights. Both sides of the lights have been at red for the last two days and no one has done anything about it - everyone just ignores the red light and creeps past the oncoming vehicle.

    1. I imagine it might involve digging up the whole village.... probably beyond the public purse.

      Another interesting Montcabrier snippet is about a woman who recently discovered that her neighbour was stealing her water. She was so annoyed that she shot him, and she's now doing 'life'.

    2. Oh no, I thought that only happened in America. It looks like such a pretty little town.

    3. I think the woman WAS/IS American.

  9. So, Montcabrier would be a three-season place to visit, then.
