Sunday 1 February 2015

First things first.


I am a creature of habit, as are the creatures who co-habit with us.

My early mornings are always the same.

5.00am: I listen to 30 mins of Steve Allen on LBC radio (Steve Allen slags-off bimbo celebs ad infinitum... occasionally very amusing).

5.30am: Get up, dress, go downstairs, open kitchen door to let Freddie fly upstairs.

5.30-5.40am: Make coffee whilst listening to bumps screams and shouts from the bedroom, as Freddie leaps onto Lady Magnon, demanding attention, water, and cat treats.

5.40-7.00am: Post blog, write blog, check Emails, reply to all Emails, read on-line newspaper. Freddie descends from bedroom.

7.00am: Extract cat claws from my knees whilst eating breakfast.

7,30am: Return to laptop and deal with whatever needs to be dealt with. Freddie becomes very annoying, so I kick him out.

8.10am: Try not to lose dogs on their first emptying walk of the day.

8.45am: Relax for a while before letting uber-impatient Freddie dash indoors again.

9.00am: Saw logs, split logs, wheelbarrow logs to house, unload logs, stack logs, light fires.

10.00am: Normal calmer life now continues. Freddie's disappeared; all is well with the world.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Here also parts of the mornings the things that I do are dictating to me by Edmund the cat.

    1. They are very demanding, and often very annoying.

  3. You missed out 5am "read Rachel's blog". I am surprised your first job isn't lighting the fires.

    1. I usually wander downstairs at about 2am, and chuck another log on. They then just smoulder until morning when (you're right) I perk them up a bit.

      'Read Rachel's blog' comes in at about 6am; very amiss of me not to mention it.

    2. Ah but of course, it is the time difference. 5 am here.

  4. Similar to my 0600 duties; let cat in, feed, give Mrs her first pills of the day with a glass of water. Go back to sleep for an hour or so. Get up, make coffee, an hour or so on the computer interspersed with more coffee, toast, pills, check blood sugar and inject insulin.

    1000 wake Mrs up for second pills, make her tea and toast, then the day starts.

    1. Your morning sounds a little more dramatic than mine. But still probably the busiest time of the day.

  5. I listen to Steve Allen in the mornings too. I love the way he talks about " celebs". His Sunday morning conversations with various people are also very interesting, though I missed him today altogether.

  6. I hear my husband chuckling to this guy in bed in the mornings....he has the radio on via earphones so as not to disturb me..........

    1. That's what I do too. Lady M occasionally whacks me when I laugh out loud.

  7. Thank you so much for the 'six degrees' link Cro...

  8. That's how retirement should be Cro....Nice one!

  9. We LOVE Steve Allen ….. we can't believe that he hasn't been sued a million times. He reckons it's because he always tells the truth !!!!
    …. and, many, many thanks for the birthday wishes Cro. XXXX

    1. Yes, sometimes I'm amazed. Even Katie Price hasn't yet sued!

  10. Has that cat got a zip up the front so you can keep your pyjamas in it?

    1. Ours will have soon, if he doesn't behave himself.

  11. 1. adore Freddie - tabbies are my favourite.
    2, you sound to me to be the perfect (almost) house mate
    - I have the totally perfect one). You cook the meals as well - that can't be bad.

    1. Tabbies are REAL cats; independent, aloof, and often annoying. Just as they should be.

  12. I don't like to think that I'm a creature of habit, but when I examine my day I find that I am...

  13. Freddie feels very secure in your love so he is free to be himself. You know you wouldn't have it any other way.

  14. Feel much relieved by reading about the wonderful men who get up do the jobs...and then take tea and toast to wives! of those wives! the moment though.

    1. I don't go as far as tea and toast; unless she's ill of course.

  15. Freddie sounds like a real livewire!

  16. 5 am on a winter's morning - I'm still in the land of Zed. If Freddie pounced on my bed I think he might well be making a quick exit through the nearest exit.

  17. Phoebe is my alarm clock. If I do not rise when my actual alarm goes off, she will pirrup and "talk" at the window until I finally make a move. She used to jump on the bed and try to waken me, but that did not do good things for either of us. She also lets me know when it's time to feed her, change the water, and when she thinks I should go to bed.

    Jo, my grey tabby, is much more laid back.
