Sunday 4 January 2015

Scotland; post referendum thoughts.


Following his defeat in last year's Scottish referendum, Alex Salmond resigned his position as First Minister. He has been replaced by Nicola Sturgeon (above).

The poor woman must be giving daily (if not hourly) thanks to the god of 'No' for having kept Scotland within the union; even though she herself was/is a 'Yes' voter.

With the price of oil dropping by the day, Scotland's economy would have been in the gutter before the Hogmanay bells had finished tolling, had they abandoned England's generous cash flow.

She might have dreamed of a 'Yes' vote then; but she'll be giving thanks for the 'No' vote for the foreseeable future.

And there was I, so looking forward to watching all the chaos.


  1. She is the member of parliament for my grand-daughter's constituency (Glasgow) and they think she is a breath of fresh air. I must say it is good to see a woman, and one who is relatively young, in charge!

  2. So far, I quite rate her. Will see how it goes, I agree they got lucky. Looks like we would have continued with some of that generous flow whatever the outcome of that vote! Though I didn't want them to leave the union a mischievous part of me wanted to see how they fared on their own if they did.

    1. Exactly how I felt. It would have been fun to see them suffer; as long as there was a cop-out clause for them to have come back again.

      Yup, Ms Sturgeon seems OK.

  3. I wonder what they talk about in bed, her and hubby Peter Murrell, the SNP chief exec. Must get terribly boring. Too thin lipped a woman for my liking anyway. More left than left.

  4. Well I'm sure it seemed like a good idea at the time lol.

    1. But only to those who couldn't add-up too well.

  5. For months I thought he was called, Alex Hammond.

    1. Perhaps he Scottified it to McAlec McSalmond.
