Saturday 24 January 2015

Of things to come.


I never thought I'd hear myself say this, but, when my time comes, I shan't be sad to leave this crazy world behind.

What an awful bloody mess our so-called 'leaders' have created; not only those in The West, but more so in The Middle East, where young men are executed for keeping pigeons, homosexuals thrown from rooftops, and women beheaded in the streets.

I suppose the worst case scenario, and probably the most likely, is another World (Holy) War, with eager combatants already liberally spread worldwide, waiting for the flag to drop. For someone who is an eternal optimist, I find it very disturbing that I should be witnessing this sad state of affairs, about which we can do absolutely nothing.

Make no mistake; what is happening worldwide will soon affect ALL of us, whilst those who triggered the crisis sit back in bullet-proof luxury (yes, them).

Sorry to be such a pessimist, but someone has to tell it like it is!

I shall now find a nice quiet darkened room, and SCREAM until I cry.


  1. It is as if you read my thougts this morning. I look at the beautiful day this morning and ask my self so what, what's the point, i know that in a short time i shall be running again to find shelter near my home or on the roads and all of that becouse some errogant and stupid leaders.

    1. No 'leader' ever got his name in the history books by being peaceful (OK, one or two). The most memorable names are such as Hitler, Stalin, and Sadam.

  2. The world will be a little less bright when you are no longer in it, Cro.

    Hope you are back to your normal optimistic mindset soon.

    1. I'm not planning on going for a while yet. But thank you for your kind words.

  3. Well that's set me up for the weekend!

  4. I'm sorry to say that I think you are right. I'm very afraid it will take a very big war but one fought all over, by stealth in our backyards when we least expect it. It's very easy to sit back and watch from afar when you live here in Oz and think it's not involving us but I know it is a world wide horror show in the making. Depressing !

  5. Oh dear - this one of your 'the end of the world is nigh' posts - perhaps you had better forgo watching the news for a while till you get your equilibrium back.

    1. I'm not at all a 'gloom and doom' person, but I think that if we ignore the present situation, it'll be at our peril.

  6. I agree. But then you would know that.

  7. Chin up Cro
    Apparently Brian Blessed is playing you in the going gently movie

    1. Now that is spooky as I've just posted on John's blog that I would like him to play me! Perhaps he could be twins, playing Cro and his transvestite sister , me.

    2. Don't encourage him; he's obviously a frustrated Thespian.

  8. What is so soul destroying for me is that humankind finds this circle of self destruction and self immolation continues to repeat itself ad infinitum. We learn and then we unlearn. And each time the world is left more perilous than the last... On that happy note perhaps I should lower my head into the sand ... Honestly though, I do still believe that humans are mostly good and that goodness does overcome -- though often in a tragic end...

  9. Your knowledge of world history seems quite limited to me. Hitler Stalin and Sadam.a bit easy to find. What about Pol Pot and Ruanda, too far away ? What about all the conflicts over the globe the so called civilized world maintains by exporting weapons and war material.which somme month later you find in the hands of IS terrorists ? Cameron and many others will attend the commemoration.for king Abdullah .I hope you know that Saudi Arabia is the cradle of the most obscur islam and keeps relations with terrorist providing them weapons and money. But for oil and commercial deals our countries sell their
    souls and in some way we are all guilty .

    1. I only mentioned those 3 tyrants exactly because they are so well known. I could have mentioned plenty of more obscure names, but I'm not here to impress; just to make a point. In para 2 I make it very clear that 'leaders' in The West are just as much to blame as those in The Middle East. Please re-read.

  10. So you're having a good weekend, then?

    1. And it's just started to drizzle; my favourite weather!

  11. It is just a tad depressing outside our doors isn't it? We may not live to see total destruction but oh our poor children and grandbabies.

  12. Aww Cro I wish I could send you some of our jolly Yorkshire sunshine, it's flippin gorgeous up here today. I am avoiding the news channels at the moment and enjoying the moment x

    1. I don't believe you Twiggy. The sun NEVER shines in Yorkshire.

  13. You will find me there screaming with you.

  14. Cro, I don't have a head in the sand approach but just don't listen to a lot of global news or even local news. My news comes from conversations with family and friends. It's enough to keep me informed about world situations without getting depressed about it. Here in he States it appears that morality is continually being eroded. There are still plenty of good people but the world attention goes to the ones that aren't. It looks like we are headed for some pretty tough times on this side of the pond. The sad thing is that folks don't care as long as the government check keeps coming. I've heard that 51 percent of the population here now gets some kind of government assistance. How can that be sustained for very long? For the first time in the history of my country, the current generation will not end up being more successful than the last. It kind of tells you something about where we are headed, doesn't it.

    Have the best day that you can.

    1. That is shocking. Also with people living so much longer there are far fewer younger tax payers around to pay for old age pensions. Something has to give.

    2. There is real evil in this world and those who refuse to recognize or excuse it under the banner of diversity are bound to repeat history. All too often the media and politicians prefer the feel-good-head-in-the-sand approach and unabashedly promote the Agenda 21 "social justice" ideology in the mistaken belief that they can right their brand of perceived wrongs while ignoring the real brutality that is taking place in front of their very eyes. In the end it is nothing but grandstanding to make the willing fell good and take advantage of the misinformed for their own corrupt objectives. A society with a majority now used to feeding of the public slop trough, outraged by the most insignificant of perceived and contrived "injustices" doth-protest-too-loudly when not provided what they think they are owed, all too willingly follow the pied piper over the cliff to all our detriment.

  15. The trouble is Cro that we mostly feel like this and it is true to say that really we can do little about it. I try to carry on as 'normal' being old enough for it not really to affect me. I do fear for my grandchildren, but these things rise and fall, and I do continually tell myself that the news programmes consist only of what our governments wish to tell us. I suspect the world situation is totally different from how we think it is - not better, maybe even worse, but certainly not as we are shown on television.
    In the meantime, show us a few of the lovely things you cook and eat, so different from the food over here in the UK - that should cheer you - and us - up a bit.

    1. Ha ha.... I have a food posting in line for Monday.

  16. Ditto Cro. Which is why hubbie and I continue to grow all our own meat, milk and much of our own veggies. Not because we think we can actually outlast the crap that is building but so we can offer our family a good last meal as the sun sets on this world. I plan to serve a lovely grass fed organic beef roast. Can you recommend a bottle of red?

    1. I suppose that's really why I grow most of my own stuff too. Just so I can say 'eff-off' to the rest of the world.

  17. I feel like you do ...will join you.....except for the screaming screaming allowed in dark rooms with Rall:)

    You know ,if only I was in charge for a bit I believe I could fix this situation with some politically incorrect no nonsense strategies in quick time.Of course there would be a lot of outcry from the bleeding heart brigade but look where that has got us.

    Some good comes out of situations like this You take stock of what is important in your life. You seem to have an abundance of it and I don't think it fell miraculously on to your plate.

    I cannot reinforce how important good food is for health and the happiness experience. To be surrounded by natural beauty plus being creative and achieving a rich life on a shoe string through creativity talent and work means you have won.It also means in the bigger scheme you would be regarded as subversive.

    Good things do not last ...spread the joy ...and you are doing that for your readers of your blog Sharing down moments is good brings us closer.

    There is a lot we can do.
    Boycott products from offending nations...send them broke....but this will never happen because we will never cooperate or be inconvenienced or go without anything.
    Anyways now that I've had my rant I'll head off to my darkened room with some ice packs and a fan.....heat wave here at the moment.

    1. You're so right about the non-PC solutions. Of course there are always ways and means of solving certain problems, but our darling politicians will do nothing until it's all too late.

      I'll see you in the sand pit!

  18. My daughter and I were saying something similar today and felt grateful that we don't live in a town or city, are pretty self sufficient and can "pull up the drawbridge" I used to say that I fear for our grandchildren, but I think things that I fear are closer than that.

  19. I have moments of despair, too, and often think at times I must be like the musicians playing on the Titanic as it was sinking.

  20. Yes, it is a shocking state of affairs, of which we have no control. I am not ready to go yet, but in years to come when things get worse, no doubt I will be glad to be leaving.
