Monday 19 January 2015

Just another Manic Monday.

I think we've all noticed how certain days of the year have now been given their very own silly names; mostly to do with shopping. Fridge-filling Friday, Take-away Tuesday, Hangover Hogmanay, etc. I now see the week thus....

Mental Monday; When folk go back to work and desperately want to kill their bosses.

Tragic Tuesday; When those same folk put away the Machete, and resign themselves to a whole week of drudgery.

Wilful Wednesday; Possibly the best revenge day for raiding the office supplies cupboard.

Thirsty Thursday; Hit the pub' running as soon as the evening whistle blows.

Festive Friday; Get really, really, drunk after the evening whistle blows.

Sober Saturday; Decide never to drink anything ever again.

Sorrowful Sunday; Spend the whole day back in the pub' morosely perusing The Sunday Times (or The Sunday Sport); and plotting your action for Mental Bloody Monday.

Does that sound anything like your week?


  1. Well, if I have to have an earworm I guess it could be worse...not a bad song. I wonder whatever happened to the Bangles?

  2. PS: to answer your question, nothing like my week at all, thank the lord!

  3. Not particularly manic more like snowy Monday. Sent from a deserted railway station in Siberia.

    1. Just be grateful you're not in some Budapest dive bar.

    2. 10.00 here and just wishing I was.

  4. I liked that. Of course it is not my week. I don't work any more ,thank god. I don't drink.Somtimes I wish I should.

    1. I've hardly ever worked from Monday to Friday... We painters just work.

  5. We have a local tradition here called Black-eye Friday, it's the last Friday before Christmas when in days of yore all the factories ans building sites closed down for a fortnight and the staff were released at dinner-time with 3 weeks wages.

  6. Meat free Monday
    Tasty Tuesday
    Waste not Wednesday
    Thrifty Thursday
    Forage Friday
    Stay at home Saturday
    Smiley Sunday

    1. This sounds more like my own week, other than my veggie day is Wednesday.

  7. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday here in the states today (for us civil servants), so I will have a lingering cuppa and read more before the farm chores begin....that work is always waiting regardless of what day it is! :). I have to admit though that my paid job doesn't yet resemble your work week litany....yet anyway. :)

  8. Casting back to my working days...that sounds about right lol.

  9. I had one job that I had those feelings. Luckily, it only lasted for a year and I learned much from that bad situation.

  10. I have Manic Monday and For Gawds Sakes Friday, but the 3 days betwwen are ace.

  11. Haha, this gave me a chuckle I enjoyed reading and the comments were funny too.

  12. Not one little bit like my week Cro - but it amused me.

    My week is mostly the same - wash, dry and iron on a Monday, go into town for pension on Tuesday and meet friends for coffee, keep fit on Wednesday and coffee afterwards, hairdresser on Thursday and friends afterwards, meet friends for coffee on Friday morning and visit another friend in the afternoon, relax with the farmer over the next two days, doing whatever we feel like doing. It's called retirement. Yippee!

    1. I did notice that yesterday was given some silly name too. But I'm a bit like you Weaver, I do what I please (within Lady M's reason).
