Sunday 28 December 2014

Monty's Birthday.

Monty is 4 today (28. 12. 2014). There's really not a lot more to say.

He'll eat his favourite Knacki sausages for lunch, open a few presents, and probably have a few extra treats, but that's it.

I think he's slowly losing his wild adolescent ways; he now occasionally comes when called, no longer disappears for hours on end rifling through our neighbour's compost heaps, and is almost attempting to be friendly. He's also trying to learn to speak English. 

Nearly 4 years ago he looked like this. Aaaaaaah.


So HAPPY BIRTHDAY Monty. I do hope your pink Summer nose returns to its Winter black a.s.a.p.

Tomorrow is Lady Magnon's birthday (37 again), so we'll celebrate the two great occasions together.

Cro (Daddy, The Boss, etc) xxx

SOME TIME LATER;  Here he is opening one of his presents; a new collar.


  1. Happy birthday to the gorgeous Monty and Lady M, of course. Two great milestones reached. Turning four and 37 (again) is not to be sniffed at.

    My lovely demented Cocker didn't realise she just celebrated Christmas and that her 11th birthday is imminent. It saves on presents.

  2. Aww, the photo of baby Monty is too sweet!

    What a good boy he is! I wish you all didn't live on the other side of the world....I'd stop by with a special treat for the birthday boy! So give him something extra for me, Cro. :)

  3. Happy Birthday Monty, you are a handsome fellow and entering the prime of your life. Glad you're learning to speak English. Our dogs here speak Swahili fluently, but are also learning English rapidly! Lady M congratulations on your (37th again) birthday. Greetings Jo

  4. According to conventional wisdom it takes four years for labs to become sensible. So Monty is doing well. Happy birthday to him, and to Lady M.

    1. Conventional wisdom seems to be right. I'm sure he's becoming better behaved by the day.

  5. Happy birthday to Monty and lady M.Does Monty understands French?

  6. Happy birthday Monty and Lady M. So many birthdays at this time of year. A cousin was yesterday and nephew today.

  7. Happy Birthday to a beautiful boy - who cares if he is a bit of a rascal if he brings a bit of sunshine into your life. Happy Birthday to Lady M too - oh to be 37 again.

  8. Happy Birthday Monty…the puppy pic is just adorable. Have a lovely day Lady M….37 is a nice age! I have been 21 3 times, plus bit more ! My Alexi got 5 presents for Xmas, and by No.3 he was getting the hang of opening them by himself ( and eating the paper)

    1. Monty has just done the same. I'll add the photo; it was a new collar.

  9. Happy birthday Monty. Hope you open the collar and leave it intact, We have just spent some time on the floor running our hands over the carpet to find a piece of jig saw before Tess locates it - she is a past master at chewing up a jig saw piece.
    As to the two pencil drawings - the larger one on the left is a head of a Parisian woman which was a present to me from Toni Bartl, a Lincolnshire artist who was also a great friend. The smaller negro head on the right was done by my first husband's uncle, Dick Rivron, who lived for many years in Australia. I have a painting of his took, I love his work.

    1. I'd though they were by the same person. Lovely drawings.

  10. And like most kids he seems to be enjoying the packaging the most. Happy Birthday to Monty and Lady M.

  11. Happy Birthday to Monty and Lady Cro.

  12. Happy Birthday to Monty and Lady Cro! Hope it is/has been a wonderful day for you both. :)

  13. Happy birthday Monty, big hug from Aunty Kath and many happy returns Lady M (no doubt a big hug from the Boss).

  14. Happy birthday Monty and Lady M!

  15. A belated happy birthday, Monty! What a cutie. And happy new year!
