Wednesday 10 December 2014

Jealous? Me?

I'm not a jealous kind of person, but in this case I'll make an exception.

This building is almost next door to my bakery, and every Sunday (my bread-buying day) I look at it with some envy.

There's nothing particularly remarkable about it, but I just wish I had a high-up, open-sided, covered, patio like it.

In Summer I've often gone past and seen groups of people all enjoying themselves up there, with strings of coloured lights, and pleasant music, and thought to myself that I really 'deserve' something similar.

They've taken down the walls by a metre or so, stuck on some chunky supports, and put the roof back on. I presume they've also laid an interior concrete and tiled floor, in case of rain.

My only problem is that I don't have a suitable building, otherwise I'd be making plans.

And Oh, that clipped Yew as well. Beautiful.


  1. I know exactly where that is Cro. A few years ago we almost gate-crashed a party there in the mistaken belief that it was a restaurant!

    1. You should have gone in anyway, they probably would have made you very welcome.

  2. Do I sense another barn building project somewhere on your estate Cro?

    1. If only. Unfortunately I don't have a suitable stone building.

  3. It does look lovely; being used for social gatherings (as Sue above found) and you've seen, makes it all the more homely. At least you have lovely bread every Sunday; I wish...

    1. I'll have to just satisfy myself with the bread, which is still the very best around.

  4. I think a little building envy is reasonable, it does look very attractive and inviting. I can picture some very pleasant gatherings there. Oh well. Take solace in your very good bread.

  5. It does look lovely. But your home to my eye is very inviting too!

    1. The reason why I like it so much is that it's been adapted perfectly to our local life-style. I think it must have been done by someone who has it as a 'second home'; a Parisian, a Dutch family, or even some Brits maybe. The locals would never do such a thing.

  6. Jealous - me too! It's fabulous.

  7. With your skills, I am sure you could build something similar. ( When the barn is finished you will need a project!)

  8. I think Cro that we are all envious of something - I envy your life style, which is just not possible here on a working farm with the British climate. Perhaps a little envy is a good thing. I love that clipped yew too.

  9. The Hotel Sevilla in Havana has a similar - but bigger! - design, and it's great to have breakfast with sparrows flying through and picking up crumbs.

  10. I am sure there are many who see your beautiful home and covet it also.

  11. Can't you pop a roof over your existing patio and add some low walls?

    1. I already have one like that.... it's being high up that I can't do; although I'm thinking about it for the barn!

  12. Cro, and so it goes. I to have envied country houses mostly but life never gave me a chance to obtain an country acreage. I've been content to have, in progress, vacant lot gardens instead. It keeps me busy and my mind active with the planning of all the structures, pathways, and plants that will go into the gardens. I suspect garden changes will continue as long as I tend them. Every year is a new year with more ideas and changes to be made. It's just my way of staying creative. Now the house I live in .... not so much. My life is outside in the gardens.

    Have a great envious day.

  13. I wonder if Nick Gatsby lives there.

  14. It's lovely. It could almost be in Tuscany.

  15. I like your place a lot better, particularly that area with your table and chairs near the pool. The other place is sterile ... has a tinge of the stockbroker about it and no magic of the artist.
