Friday 26 December 2014

How went the day?

I am proud to say that everything went according to plan.

The Turkey was moist and delicious, the roast spuds nicely roasted, the Sprouts just right, and the accompanying sauce; saucy. And what lady could resist my stuffing!

However; the expensive Pécharmant wine was total rubbish. It cost me about €10 (expensive for here), and frankly tasted like a €2 bottle of cooking plonk.

So, shame on you 'Domaine de la Réfrénie', I shall not be buying your wine again, and I wouldn't mind even asking for my money back!

It was abandoned after the first sip, and a delicious (gold medal winning) Bordeaux 'Mission St Vincent 2012' consumed in its stead (about €4).

Any disasters at your end?


  1. How many did you serve with that delicious looking turkey. We had just two extra people this year who would have been on their own.

    BTW what is the strange looking yellow sauce?

    1. Just the two of us, but it will do the same again today, with sandwiches curries etc over the next few days.

      'Strange yellow sauce'; I see no 'strange yellow sauce'. That was just Turkey juices with white wine and cream! Delicious.

  2. My disasters are yet to come as our Christmas has been delayed and will be held tomorrow as my daughter has been working. She and her friend will arrive by train at 1.00am. Erk. Other family will arrive at a more reasonable hour, in time for lunch. Still, it gives me time to prep most of tomorrow's food (90% vegetarian). I've been at it all day and I think I'm just about done (in).

    I'm hoping our wine will be GOOD as Aussie wine isn't cheap but generally palatable.

    1. ..and your feast looks delicious!

    2. We've just had a week's veggie run-up to Christmas. Our veggie son (from Oz) was staying, and we loved it. Didn't miss the meat one bit.

  3. I've had some lovely French supermarket plonk around the 3-4 Euro region. Any further recommendations in future posts would be very welcome.

    1. The problem with recommending wines here is that one hardly ever sees the same wine twice (other than the more commercial ones)!

  4. Your turkey taters and sprouts look delicious. No disasters here, all went to plan. Dinner was baked ham, little new potatoes with lots of butter, and a green salad, with a decent North Otago pinot noir to wash it down. An easy lunch for the cook (ie, me) but very enjoyable.

    1. I seemed to be more 'rushed off my feet' this year, even though I prepared less than usual. 'Simple' was this year's byword.

  5. Everything went to plan, but I have come down this morning to discover 2 roasting tins in the oven, still unwashed! My son was in charge of the dinner and the washing up, so not my fault! Youngest ( 27) son's main present was a great success…it is a "tiny quadcopter" barely 3 inches across. It was hilarious watching him learn to fly it indoors. Family party in Leicestershire today….must get on with dog walk ! Fruit salad to make before we can go. Enjoy your leftovers.

    1. I've had my hands in the suds too this morning.

  6. Reading so much about Christmas all over blogland makes me thinking may be I shall convert my religion.Our holidays are also a lot about food but Christmas looks very tasty.

    1. Christmas has become a food/decor/spending festival; the religious side of things has become almost dismissed.

  7. I also was not thinking abour religious, I am afraid that like in many cases the lawn of the beighbour looks greener:) ( I am not a religious person at all.It is the good food that brought the thought)

  8. Replies
    1. Glad someone noticed my little quip!

    2. You must know me by now - I see them even where they don't exist.

  9. No disasters Cro thank goodness...and for once my fridge isn't plugged solid with food the day after.

  10. No, not a one surprisingly, sailed through the day. Today is ours to do with what ever we want.

  11. Your meal looks delicious. Ours was good too.

  12. We have a houseful of people who like fine wine. Two days before Christmas, we opened a bottle of Pinot Noir and it was terrible. My husband brought it back and it was exchanged. That bottle was opened and it was the same result. He brought that back, but this time he brought a Cab. That worked.

    1. A Cab' Merlot mix is usually safe; but not always.

  13. My daughter catered a party where the hostess pulled out a sword used only for opening champagne bottles. Outside of course. She rolled her eyes. Ours went well and today I am recuperating. The presents were opened and I couldn't keep up with it all. Hope everyone got the gifts they were supposed to get.

  14. Perfect day here in Illinois. One daughter announced her engagement ( to a lovely fellow who keeps our daughter in wine which is why we all find him "lovely") while one son and wife announced the coming of their first child this summer. And I passed all my courses with A's. Whipped those youngsters butts! I mean, my first semester was productive...anyway. keep up the grand posting Cro. Can't wait to hear you in 2015.!

    1. Straight A's..... That's wonderful. Well done.

  15. Everything went well here, too. I cooked a rib roast, Yorkshire pudding, and Brussel sprouts. Glad there are some leftovers, but not so many that they'll become tiring.

  16. Very nice day here, just me and the husband and our dogs spending a quiet day together. My fruitcakes turned out GREAT, as did the cookies, and we had a small honey glazed ham purchased at a specialty shop that was delicious. A friend gifted me with a bottle of good red wine, and our dogs got lots of special treats from Santa. We took a couple of long walks with the dog in the afternoon, and exchanged cheerful holiday greetings with several neighbors in the process.

    Altogether a very nice and relaxing day!
