Wednesday 3 December 2014

Early autumn walk. Dec 2014.

It's not really light here until 8am (7am UK); even then it's only semi-light.

It's my favourite walk with the boys. They run around looking for wildlife, as I just contemplate and kick leaves. This is not the best video I've ever made, but it gives a rough idea of what I get up to just after I've posted my blog, and had some meagre breakfast.

I shall be doing exactly the same this morning, probably with coat and scarf!


  1. Meagre breakfast? Didn't think you did meagre.

  2. Leaf kicking, very satisfying! I love the crispness of autumn. Early autumn that is, before it gets too cold.

  3. What a lovely start to the day Cro ……. that avenue of trees is beautiful and must look so different in each season. XXXX

  4. Loved the avenue of trees, the misty light, the dog in the distance and the crunch of leaves. That's my walk done for today. Thanks Cro.

  5. Nice morning here too, first touch of frost.

  6. Cold in Herts this morning…..just off with the dog along a tarmac path, which was a railway until the mid 1960's. When I get further out there is the main line railway across a field on one side, and the river ( Lea) valley on the other. The planes from Luton are rising up ahead of me, and the road is the other side of the river…..can be noisy, but beautiful all the same! Inches deep in oak leaves in parts at the moment. I see swans, little egrets and flocks of geese ( though I think they may have gone to warmer climes now) Flocks of goldfinches in the hedges and red kites above.

    1. Surprisingly I see very little wildlife. A deer or a hare maybe, but not much else. About 5 C here this morning..... not so bad.

  7. And I'm churning up and down the local 50m pool at 8:00am. Every lane is full- mainly oldies like me trying to get a bit of exercise without dying of heat stroke. Then home to breakfast beginning with pawpaw (papaya ) and mango and including an egg. Swimming a kilometre + makes you hungry. A very nice start to the day.
    How different our lives are at the moment !

    1. Our turn will come..... even if we have to wait 6 months.

  8. I love the sound of crispy leaves underfoot and the autumn scent that is released.

  9. Cro, unfortunately where I live in the urban part of the city leaves are cleaned up almost before they hit the ground to keep the yards looking pristine and tidy. At least our city comes around once a week and takes the yard waste away and turns it into compost called "OmaGrow". This highly nitrogen filled product is then sold back to the residents of the city and to landscapers. It's sold at a very reasonable price and I've used it many times. So I don't get to walk crunching through the leaves much in my neighborhood. I does look like a fun thing to do.

    Have a great leaf crunching dog walking day.

    1. A lot of the Chestnut leaves get made into my compost. The only person who cleans-up here is ME.

  10. I love walking through crisp leaves. I don't know why, bit I just enjoy that sound.

  11. I enjoy your videos. However I think they could be a little longer...say for example when returning home you video your meagre breakfast , accompanied by a soliloquy revealing your innermost thoughts in French.
    Another suggestion perhaps would be taking a hot bubble bath (beret attached) singing some jolly songs with the dogs providing the harmony.
    Just sayin'...:)

  12. Another one who enjoys kicking up leaves! I awoke to rain and sleet this morning. Had to get up earlier than usual as I had an early work meeting. For my pains, I was rewarded with seeing a turkey sleeping in a tall tree, and as night faded, I saw the flock fly past one-by-one over to the side yard for a morning nosh. They're all near the bird feeder now, digging up the ground and annoying a squirrel who's keeping a safe distance away.

  13. As others have already said, that crispy sound is delightful. I wish my little family of four (counting our two dogs) had such a beautiful place to take our daily walks! A neighborhood crammed with houses in the middle of town could never compare!
