Friday 14 November 2014

Trouble at mill.


Poor old Red Ed's having a rough time of it. Some of his acolytes seem to think he's not fit for the job.

In reality, it's not the leader of the party who's at fault; it's the barmy brigade of celebrity hangers-on who do the damage. I suppose the best current example of such folk is uber-loony Russell Brand.

I now hear that the son of an old friend of mine could be next in line for the Labour leadership. The Hon Patricia Milmo's son, Chuka Umunna, is being heralded as Labour's new saviour. Maybe so, but I do hope he can take the inevitable flack that goes with the job (and that he doesn't invite Russell Brand to headquarters for policy meetings).

The UK, as with all democratic countries, needs a credible multi party system, so it's time to make your minds up Labour. Chose wisely, the clock is ticking.


  1. You may have heard of NZ's recent travesty - Kim dotcom and how his allegiance brought down the Internet Mana party including at least one hard working and worthy MP.

    1. I hadn't heard of him, so had to consult Wiki. He sounds like a prat; I'm surprised that NZ doesn't put him on the next plane to the USA.

    2. Hey Cro, we have enough politicians here in the USA. We just went through what we call mid term elections were only congressmen are elected and not the president. It doesn't seem to matter who gets elected here, neither side really helps out the people much. It's mostly about just getting elected.

      Have a great political day. :-)

    3. Promises, promises... they're the same the world over!

  2. Personally, I would like to see Russell Brand used as a toilet brush by all three parties.

    1. What a good idea for Christmas; a Russell Brand doll bog brush.

  3. I think I would have to leave the country if we ended up with a Prime Minister who had Milliband's voice.

  4. If we end up with Umunna as Prime Minister we might as well all leave the country.

    1. Have you something against ordinary Champagne Socialists?

    2. He of course would not touch champagne because it night lead him to the gutter and trashy people who drink. Yes, but then I dislike all Socialists.

    3. I know about 3 who adore them (I am not amongst them).

  5. Politicians are hated all over the world - for good reason. Don't send any to us; we have our hands full with enough power-hungry idiots.

  6. Based on the concept that you only get more of what you subsidize, I vote we stop paying these parasites and eventually at least some will have to get a real job and actually become contributing members of society.

  7. I never talk politics or religion....unless I know what I am talking about and as I just said I don’t talk about either.

  8. I am so sick of politicians and all they stand for Cro, that I have already decided that come the election I shall exercise my democratic right, go into the polling booth and spoil my ballot paper.

    1. Start practicing your drawing of Mickey Mouse!

  9. Replies
    1. Otherwise Tony would never have been elected; women found him attractive.
