Wednesday 5 November 2014

New Word of the Day; STEAMPUNK.


I'd thought I was au fait with most fashion styles, but yesterday I discovered one that had somehow given me the slip.

'Steampunk' seems to be epitomised by the attire of the gentleman above. An eclectic mix of Jules Verne, Goth (Goff), Dora the Explorer, and Edwardian handlebar.

I can't claim to have seen any Steampunk aficionados in the flesh, in fact I doubt very much if one has ever been within several hundred kilometres of chez moi; but I live in hope.

Not really my style, but I do like individuality (even en masse).


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. It was bad English I think. Sorry I can not think in english early in the morning:)

    2. It may well have been bad English, but it was perfectly understandable.

  2. I've never heard of this either - but I rather like it - I wonder what the female equivalent would look like

    1. Have a look under steampunk in google images, there are plenty.

  3. There is a steam punk community here in Whangarei.

  4. There are often a group of "steam punkers" at a cafe at the Town Basin in the weekend.

    1. Maybe they originated in NZ?

    2. No, though there is a thriving steampunk community in Oamaru, in the South Island.

  5. Steampunk started as fiction, and it's been around for a few years now. it's a sub-genre of science fiction and set in an alternative Victorian London, and features a lot of steam-powered machinery, at least the small amount that I have read does. It's branched out into fashion, music, films etc. It's very stylish and fun.

  6. Lots of steampunkers in Wellington NZ too. Unlike so many sub cultures, it is very appealling to those with a few more decades under their belts - most of us are over 50. It is very Jules Verne - Victorian/Edwardian science and engineering pushed far further than it ever got in reality. My character is an Egyptologist explorer. Why not! :)

  7. I have to say Cro that I dress with a touch of Steampunk …… I love that Gothic look but, obviously, I don't go the whole hog !! It's very popular in China.
    Don't think that I walk about like the guy in the image you used !!!! I just like a lot of black, tailcoats, waistcoats, corsets and Victoriana. How come you came across it ? XXXX

    1. I was reading about some annual Goth gathering somewhere, and they said there were also Steampunks there too. I just had to find out more.

  8. We have a Steam Punk festival here in Lincoln every year, I love to have a wonder round and take some pictures as some of the costumes are very well thought out.

  9. I have met a few, and I have to admit to a sort of grudging admiration. Anyone who has the balls to go around in public dressed like that deserves it.

  10. P.s. I am told that Steam Punk is a lifestyle as well as a clothing style. Their apartments look like Jules Verne's submarine, I believe.

  11. So much going on; how would one have the time to get it all together. Jeans and tees do it for me.

  12. It was all news to me until a month or so ago when I discovered a whole new genre of writing called Steam's different...I like different.

  13. Never seen it here but I bet they love the thrift shops. It might be fun just looking for all the right pieces. Love the tail-coat.

  14. Check out your own Marc Caro for Delicatessen and City of the Lost children, steampunk films.

  15. Here in this little town in northern California, we have an entire weekend devoted to the Kinetic Carnivale and everything that is steampunk. It benefits the County Museum. Both bizarre and delightful. We love it.

    You struck a chord this morning, Cro.

  17. I asked my son if he ever heard of this Steampunk busyness, he said “Yep” and then “dad your office is total Steampunk”. I had no idea!

  18. My fourteen year old daughter is totally into it. Very cute and much more innocent than some of the alternatives! Kind of old fashioned high techy is how I describe it.

  19. Love steampunk. There's a couple of shops in Camden that supply it. If you Google image it, you can even find a steampunk tardis.

  20. I love this guy from the waist up !

  21. Goggles do it for me every time:)

  22. There has been a thriving Steam Punk atmosphere in Oamaru for a few years now... National Steam Punk HQ, annual festival: it sits nicely alongside all the Victorian playfulness that happens there. The girls love getting dressed up for it...
