Monday 10 November 2014

Never bite the hand that feeds you!

He has very little gentility when it comes to eating.


  1. When your film ends there is another one " Crocodile hunter get hand bitten".. so it can be worse,
    It seems that Monty doesn't like that food.He is so cute any way.I noticed that the more we spoile our dogs the more they dislike some kind of food and treats.

    1. Monty likes ALL food. He lives to eat. It's such a shame that he can't differentiate between biscuits and fingers (my fingers)!

  2. You are giving Monty a bad press - I suspect those plasters and bandage are more likely from your carpentry exploits.

  3. It just goes to show that you can''t teach a Monty new tricks when it comes to food !!!! How is he when you are eating Cro …… does he pester you for a titbit ? XXXX

    1. He wraps his arms around my legs, and presses his nose into my thigh, whilst making 'please feed me I'm starving' noises!

  4. Ithink those plasters and bandages are more likely to have been caused by working in that barn of yours - Monty looks as though he wouldn't hurt a fly.

  5. Your little film made me laugh. Especially your own optimism then disbelief when he nipped you again.

  6. Best use tongs when you hand him something.

  7. So is he now a full Monty? (Sorry, couldn't resist.)

  8. Wow, Monty really is fierce when there's a biscuit in front of him! Thank goodness we were able to break George of that habit right away. He was worse than Monty. He acted like every morsel was likely to be his last when we first rescued him from the shelter. Now he sits and waits for a treat like a gentleman. :)

    By the way, I love your accent, Cro. It's nice to hear your voice!

    1. We've managed to get him to wait for his food until told that he can eat, but with biscuits it's a different matter.

  9. my freinds Retriever is 10 and still snatches his treat. In order to keep our fingers, his Mum showed us to offer on a flat hand. A case of the dog training the owner LOL

  10. I always say, "On trust..." whenever I smear the end of any protuberance with Nutella. Then I say, "DROP IT!" with as much authority as I can muster. That's just with the girls, never mind dogs.
