Wednesday 12 November 2014

Just as the sun was ri-ee-zing

I suppose one of the best ways of getting to know any landscape is by having dogs.

As soon as it is almost light, I take our two for their first emptying walk of the day. Everything is dead quiet as I watch the sun rise, and there is perfect peace throughout the area.

The animals, both wild and domestic, have had everything to themselves overnight, and one often sees them retreating to their daytime lairs, as half-light makes them visible once again.   

I love the early mornings at all times of year; maybe more so in winter because of the spectacular mists and sunrises, but the daily changes are always fascinating.

These two pix were taken a few metres from our house; in the lower one you can just see the distant village church spire.

No young maiden in the valley below, but I do occasionally whistle the tune.


  1. I heard a maiden in the valet below
    Oh don't deceive me
    Oh never leave me
    How could you use a poor maiden so...

    I sang it to P wants he left this morning, then I sang it in the car on the way to the station. I have now stopped.

    1. The phone clearly took over some words here.

    2. p.s. At least the valet wasn't in the maiden.

    3. That crossed my mind but I decided not to mention it,; I thought you would pick up on it too.

  2. Beautiful photographs Cro ……. it's raining stair rods here !!!! ….. I shall be singing that song all day now !! XXXX

    1. No rain here, beautiful morning J.

    2. Moyenne here; nice-ish. I'm covered in plaster, so I'm not bovvered.

  3. Yes, chucking it down here too ( Herts). The doglet is going to have to get used to his raincoat again! He hates it, but not as much I dislike a soggy dog.

    1. It's all those damp towels hanging around that I don't like.

  4. The best time of day. Love those mist in the valley mornings.

    1. The French always make jokes about England's FOG, but there's more fog here than I've ever known back in England.... we even call it BFF (Bloody French Fog).

  5. Wonderful imagery - the pictures are almost dreamlike in their quality. Sadly the heavens have opened here and all I see is dark and drear.

  6. What a wonderful way to start your day.

  7. One of my favourite folk songs too Cro.
    Like you pictures - could be anywhere in England too, unlike most of your pics which have a distinctly French feel to them.

    1. Very similar to parts of Surrey and Shropshire that I know well.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Thing things I miss, getting up late in a city...

  10. Sunrise is always the most beautiful and hopeful time of the day. I say that because I do not sleep well and seeing the morning light lets me know that my fight for rest is over.

    1. I would love to sleep for 8 hours non-stop, or even 6 hours, or even 4.

  11. Such a lovely peaceful scene. Seeing the horses brings to mind that you were often concerned in the past about them getting enough water. I haven't heard you mention that in quite a while. Hopefully this means they are getting better care.

    1. Amazingly, they now have a ballcock system fitted, and have water on demand.... However, as the connecting hose pipe is buried about 3 inches deep, I am expecting it to ice up quite soon.

  12. Cro, awesome pictures of morning light. Here in the middle of USA in a state called Nebraska we are deep in the throes of low teen temperatures. This morning was 14 F (-10 C) and the wind chill was -4 F (-20 C). Two inches of snow fell yesterday that is still on the ground from the frigid temperatures. Before this cold blast, the fall was glorious with tree color and morning sunrises. Morning is my favorite time of the day as well. It starts around 6:30am when I just can't sleep any longer. Watching the world wake up in the morning has been a favorite pass time through out my life.

    Have a great Bloody French Fog day.

    1. It's reasonably warm and sunny here, and my neighbour has just finished harvesting his maize crop (for seed). Mornings are cool, but days are OK.

  13. Oh, I have not heard this song since school. I suppose you know "When Flora Smiles" as well. This makes me feel terribly sad. I'm not sure why. Good to think you begin each day with such beauty. I hope you never forget how blessed you are. Beautiful photos btw.

    1. I tell myself that every day Rallentanda. And it's the truth!

  14. Fabulous images. The stillness of early morn always makes the world seem a teeny bit new. Snow too, but I had better not wish for that!


  15. I' ve said it before; you live in a stunningly beautiful place!

  16. We are having 65 to 75 mph winds here for the last two days. Lots of large trees down and no power for a lot of folks. I would love to be sitting under a chestnut tree with that view right now.

  17. Lovely pics, Cro. It's shaping up to be a beautiful spring morning here, sunny but with a bit of chill in the air to remind us that summer isn't quite here yet.

  18. Love the early morning mist - just beautiful
