Monday 20 October 2014

Oh YES!!!!!


At last, we have Cèpes; and they're beauties.

My vigneronne has given me a new recipe for preserving them, which is slightly simpler, and less time consuming, than the usual method.

The mushrooms were cut into reasonable sized chunks (1.5 cm cubes), then plunged into boiling water for 2 mins. They were then transferred into ice cold water to cool, and drained.

I used 250 gm jars, which were filled to the level indicated. I added salt, pepper, parsley, and a small sliver of garlic, they were topped up with water, the capsules and lids put-on, and sterilised for 2 hours.

And here's the result; 7 small jars of the world's most delicious mushrooms, ready for our Winter omelets etc.

Cèpes dry well and freeze reasonably well, but this method is by far the best. Usually, in this area, they are preserved in oil (in much the same way as above, but with 3 hours sterilising), but I must say that these look very good; Winter will have some compensations after all.

I shall be out in the woods again today.


  1. Wow, those sound (and look) wonderful! I've never had a wild picked mushroom in my life. Maybe the good-to-eat kinds don't grow around here.I've never heard of anyone gathering any for food.

    When I was a teenager, kids would sometimes sneak into cow pastures in the spring and fall and hunt for the mushrooms that would make you see funny things, but those weren't exactly gourmet dining! Haha.

    I would love the chance to try some of those beauties in an omelet. I imagine they would be heavenly!

    1. They are. We're very lucky here as they occasionally grow in profusion.

  2. Lovely. And your enthusiasm is nice too. When I was a youngster we'd pick gigantic 'horse' mushrooms from a place my father knew. One was enough for feeding our family of four. Just cooked in butter and piled on toast. Yum.

    1. Those are growing in our paddock, but when Cepes are around they just get left to rot.

  3. They look amazing. Were they sterilises in a pressure canner or a saucepan. I need to start preserving things like that.

    1. Just a big aluminium pan. Try the 'Le Parfait' system (as above), it works very well.

  4. Fantastic harvest Cro - I have dried mushrooms before but never bottled them. Enjoy.

    1. I do both; I use the dried ones for Risottos.

  5. Delicious ….. Did you forage those cepes Cro or did you buy them at the fete ?!!!!! XXXX

    1. No, all found within about 500 metres of my front door.

  6. Delicious! We saw loads in the forest yesterday, and whereas I wouldn't hesitate in picking and cooking them, wife isn't so keen, and is convinced we will die.

  7. Replies
    1. Send him a har cro.....he doesn't get out much

    2. I just knew he'd be happy for me!

    3. I've never been sent a har before, not even from Wales.

    4. I asked at the shops, but....

  8. I am now desperate to taste a cep - and shall search in our local deli (an excellent one) when I next go in.

    'Your' butter bean and lamb casserole was absolutely delicious eaten with garlic bread to sop up the juices. On the menu again today.

    1. You might find that they are VERY expensive, and maybe not too fresh. Good luck.

  9. They're not real - they look too clean!

  10. I so love the idea of harvesting and preserving. Haven't got the skills to mushroom hunt I'm afraid, yours look delicious.

    Jean x

  11. They look very more-ish. Not even had any field mushrooms this year and I love them.

  12. I once came home with fresh Shitake mushrooms gathered with a friend, the wife was so paranoid about dying from them that I was forced to give the entire days pick to a friend. We now get them from a deli and pay a terrible price for stale mushrooms.

  13. This looks so good.
    When you open them this winter you will you tell us if you like the water better than the oil ?

    cheers, parsnip

    1. That's what I shall be wondering too. I'll certainly let you know.
