Thursday 23 October 2014

New Wine.

Yesterday I went to the birthplace of my youngest son, Villeneuve sur Lot, to get a couple of new front tyres for the Compact Royce.

On my way back I popped in to see my vigneronne to fill up two 5 litre containers with my favourite rough-n-ready rouge.

As has become tradition she offered me a sample of new wine. This stuff was still on the vine until two weeks ago, and has not yet finished fermenting. She filled an old 1.5 litre plastic water bottle for me (above). 

The colour is staggering, the taste interesting, and the kindness unbounded. 

A glass of 'new', a few roasted Chestnuts, and maybe a small Cèpe omelet on the side, and I am in Autumnal heaven. Maybe the new wine is not to everyone's taste, but, once again, it's a marker in the annual cycle that I hope continues forever. 

In another month we shall be sampling the Beaujolais Nouveau (Thurs 20th Nov), but for the moment I'm perfectly happy with my St Martin de Redon Nouveau. Cheers.

Think Blackcurrant juice (Ribena), with a serious vinegar attack on the back of the throat; delicious.


  1. Love the colour of that new wine. It looks delicious.

  2. I wish we could buy wine by the gallon here! I remember buying large plastic containers of it when we were in Brittany many years ago " Eurocamping". Last week we were in Germany ( Rhine/Main river cruise) and there was a stall in one of the small towns selling new wine in little plastic cups. After hearing your description I am glad I didn't try any. The husband loves vinegar, so probably would have been to his taste!

  3. One year we were in France and really enjoying the Vin de Pay. we bought a dozen bottles at less than a pound a bottle from the producer. Though drinkable, it never really tasted the same back home. I bet everyone is thinking get what you pay for.. but it really did taste good when drunk in France!

    1. We really enjoyed this bottle; it probably wasn't as acidic as I've suggested, but it made one shudder a tiny bit after the first sip.

  4. Sounds revolting - paint stripper maybe

  5. When visiting a friend in a village outside of Madrid we went to a vineyard that filled the plastic jugs he brought along with wine. I was envious then and I'm envious now.

  6. I am not sure about one-day-wine. Being a conneseur of fine wine, I might wait at least a week.

    1. It was consumed in 2 days, making it 16 days old.

  7. For me, it doesn't quite hold the same ' je ne said quoi ' when wine is poured out of a 1.5 plastic water bottle Cro !!!!! But that just shows how shallow I am and that it should really be all about the taste !! XXXX

    1. Jacqueline, that's why I used an expensive antique glass. It balances the uncouthness.

    2. Just to say that ' said ' was a typing error … My schoolgirl French did go as far as ' sais ' !!!! ….. and, I am quite fussy about the glass that I drink wine out of too …. it really does affect the enjoyment of it somehow, doesn't it ? It doesn't have to be an expensive glass for me though, just a large one !! XXXX

  8. Love the colour, reminds me of grape juice. How kind of the vigneronne to give you a sample!

  9. Plastic or glass does not matter it is all about the taste. I will take an omelet with my glass as well.

  10. Wine in plastic containets .beurk je déteste et un.bon vin ne se transporte guère dans des bouteilles en plastoc votre "expensive ,bien sûr , antique glass " n'y change rien. Crime de lèse -majesté !

    1. Thank you Aaron, I'll obviously have to try harder in future.

  11. Not a wine drinker, but have to admit your description made my mouth water. Perhaps I should indulge and find out what I'm missing.

    1. Maybe you shouldn't, you may end-up on the downward path like me.

  12. Better than drinking it out of a paper cup. I do wish I had the wine gene; it looks so delicious. It just gives me a headache for some reason.

    1. Donna, that's a sign of 'chemicals' in your wine. Mine is entirely 'bio', and never gives a headache.
