Sunday 5 October 2014

England's most detested stereotypes. A Sunday Special.


England has always had the reputation for being an eccentric and rather loony country. I think this example of her latest class bashing obsession helps to explain why.

The man on the left above (depicted by John Cleese) is typical of those who are presently the most hated in English society. He is very 'English', probably has an Oxford University degree, he probably speaks in a clear and precise voice (that we can all understand), and he probably aspires to certain high standards of living. He is what we might call 'upper-ish middle class'.

But he attracts venom by the truck-load. He is hated for being successful, hard working (well orf), and well educated. If he is the son of an equally hard working (well orf) father, then he attracts even more hatred. I even read recently of his ilk being totally vilified for their 'niceness'.

Bizarrely, many would prefer almost anyone but a person of his caliber to be Prime Minister; but give them a champagne socialist, Fettes and Oxford educated, war mongering, money obsessed, egotist, and they'd all be as happy as sandboys.

Certainly the current Socialist shadow 'Equalities Minister', Gloria de Piero, seems to sanction this view. She wants all applicants for UK public sector jobs to be quizzed about their parents' jobs, background, etc; just to make sure that no well educated people get employed, in place of the well deserving uneducated.

You'd hardly believe it, but this is what England has become. Quite frightening.


  1. And with Anthony Booth as his Father in Law he ticked all the boxes.

  2. I forgot to mention that Gloria de Piero herself is a 'rags to riches', D list university, gal. Just perfect for those high-paid Public Sector jobs.

  3. Is this true or are you making it up? No you couldn't make up something so ridiculous - so as usual it has to be true and typical of us as a nation. When I think how hard women fought for the vote, I am ashamed to say I no longer vote - I am too disillusioned.

    1. Ms de Piero made this her rallying call at the recent party conference. I'm afraid that Labour politicians have always been anti 'achievement', other than their own of course. It rather spoils their credibility.

  4. The bloke in the middle - having killed off the bloke on the right - now will not rest until the bloke on the left is killed off as well. Then the country will be populated by nothing but blokes in the middle.

    1. Mr/Ms Average. Not exactly what makes a 'great' country.

  5. Sounds like this country, if you work hard, make money, then you're evil and need to pay more taxes to take care of the 51% who don't pay any.

  6. Hi Cro,
    One of my best friends grew up in a very well off environment and, because of the way the chauffeur etc were treated, she became a staunch labour supporter { not so much now though …. she has to find schools for excluded children and everyone who enters this country !! } and, she has suffered a great deal of discrimination just because she speaks very nicely …. not much is said about that though, is it ? …. people can be so narrow minded. XXXX

  7. They always say you can't make it up...reality is often stranger than fiction.

    We focus on the small stuff for laughs. Our Secret Service just had to "review procedures" as they FORGOT to lock the front door of the White House. Seriously? A poor war addled (yet armed to the teeth) veteran jumped the external fence, ran all the way up the front lawn and got into the heart of the public rooms. What the hell...only the President and his family normally work and live there.
    Dogs sniff for bombs but people forget to lock the damn front door!

    1. We have a relation who was head of royal and diplomatic security. When our Queen woke up one morning to find someone sitting on her bed, she was not pleased. He was sacked!

  8. Cro have you ever watch the film Idiocracy?

  9. mmmmmm.
    Looking around I still can't find a country I'd rather live in

  10. Not to make light, but a country that produced John Cleese and Michael Palin can't be all that bad! (There are many more Englishman and women too!)

    1. One just needs to keep an eye on the nutters; that's all!
