Thursday 11 September 2014

The UK's New Flag.

I've been busy painting out all the blue bits on our Union Flags, in anticipation of Scotland finally going her own way.

England has generously bailed-out Scotland for the last few hundred years (currently to the tune of £17.6 billion annually), and yon wee caber-tossers are now stumbling towards an uncertain, un-bankrolled, financial future. Hopefully she will be able to stand on her own two feet for a while without having to run cap-in-hand to the IMF, but who knows!.

I do pity an independent Scotland. They would have to apply to join the EU, and if accepted would be obliged to adopt the wretched Euro as their currency; as all new members are obliged to do. As temporary non-EU members, they would also no longer have right of abode in other EU countries. What a prospect!

I find it all very amusing. It's a bit like watching kilted Lemmings teetering on a precipice.

Och aye the noo Jimmy. Vote YES (I can't stop laughing).


  1. That's a very informed perspective on the situation. Thank you!

  2. Since 1970 over £1trillion in Scottish oil and gas revenues have been produced by the North Sea to feed England's wars.

    1. Yes, and mostly excavated by English companies.

    2. p.s. I wouldn't get too cocky about Scotland. If they get their way, it might just start a trend and you could well have Northern Ireland come begging to you lot instead of to us. I shall be supporting that too!

    3. Cro you need to do your homework because the benefit to the UK from N.Ireland is 5 billion pounds per annum and
      eventually when the time is right Ireland will be a united country once again!

    4. Well, you lot could have that BENEFIT instead. How lucky is that!

  3. I just hate change and would rather we stayed a United Kingdom ……… also, and most importantly, we need Andy Murray !!!! haha.
    Whit's fur ye'll no go by ye !! See you Jimmy !! XXXX

    1. I consider 'Andy Murray' (England hater) one of the most important reasons for them to go it alone. He hates us, but we don't hate him..... odd.

  4. Fitting that we should both blog about this on the same day Cro - but your take on it is so much better informed than mine. I couldn't care really whereas you have obviously given the matter some thought.

  5. It won't seem right not being able to sing "The Maple Leaf Forever" case you are not familiar with it there is a line that states, "The thistle, shamrock, rose entwine, the maple leaf forever." Hopefully the Scots will be like our Quebecers and see the error of their ways.

  6. Well they're letting anyone 16 and over vote so you know that's going to go well, they're so good at looking at future outcomes.

    1. The youngun's will all vote 'no', and the oldies will vote 'yes'. It just depends on who will best cope with the weather on the day.

  7. "Kilted Lemmings" brilliant!
    I wish I could be succinct in my opinion, but once I get started I go on for hours. I just wonder why people think that being divided ( being EU scotland, Ireland etc) makes one stronger! What sort of sense is that?

  8. I somehow doubt that at the time of the highland clearances the Scots felt "bailed out".
