Friday 5 September 2014

Some Like It Hot.

These are my 'medium hot' chilies; the sort you can just about eat raw without ending up in A & E.

Now that they've turned red I'm drying them in the sun to make chili flakes.

My tiny black chilies (the ones that look so menacing) are still black, and show no signs of turning red. I tried one yesterday; OUCH, I'm going gently.

From Pasta sauces to Moroccan tagines, I tend to sprinkle a few chili flakes or powder in most dishes. Not to make them 'hot', but to add a slight piquancy to the eventual flavour. Nice!

One of the above went into a chicken curry last night (as well as 3 of the black jobs).


  1. It is those hazelnuts that I would love to devour.

    1. Having collected all those nuts, I find that they're a bit dry and shrivelled inside. The Squirrels can have the rest.

    2. I presume you have another supply.

    3. Not really. I keep saying we must plant a pukka bush.

  2. my son is coming back from Finland today and I am sure he missed all that hot cilly that I also use a lot.

  3. Oh yum. Your chillies look so healthy and... hot!

  4. I think that - with practice - one builds up a tolerance to 'ring-burners'.

  5. Love a man who cooks. Nice photo and I like that bowl. It looks like pottery to me. Deb

  6. Those chillies look great. Ours look wonderful but no goddamn heat. I collected a load of hazel nuts off the grass yesterday and left them in a pile on the wall for the nuthatches.

  7. I put chili flakes on my morning eggs but like you said “not to make them hot” but just enough.

  8. On the whole I am not a chilli person, but after reading your post I might try just a few flakes here and there to see what effect they have.

  9. Mmmm. I love chilies. My husband, not so much. Those look nice!
