Sunday 7 September 2014

Morning routine

At about 7.15am each morning, I open the kitchen door and this is what happens.

The boys rush off at great speed, say 'hi' to the horses (i.e. bark at them), then return to me for their first, more orderly, walk of the day. It's as if they just HAVE to get rid of all their built-up over-night energy.


  1. So beautiful, peaceful and green.You are very lucky to live in such place. and the dogs are adorable.

  2. Good on them ~ if only we all bounded out the door to greet the neighbours each morning.

  3. Yes, dogs have a strict routine don't they? Tess goes out for her morning wee and then comes in while we have our breakfast. If the farmer doesn't rise from his chair at dead on eight oclock she fixes him with a stare and after a couple of minutes nudges his leg as if to say - oi, it's morning walk time. They are marvellous for keeping one going. I can't get your little video to work, it keeps saying 'an error has occurred'.

    1. It works here; I wonder why you're not getting it. You're not missing much.

  4. Too bad you can't bottle some of that energy. Video worked fine here.

  5. Oh I would love to know how to do that.. Hope you make some more. Is it difficult?

    1. You mean showing films? No, it's just a matter of setting your camera, loading the result to YouTube, then downloading to Blogger.

  6. That was so cute! Our four are always very excited to get out in the morning, too. New day, new smells to explore.
    Dogs are such happy creatures.

  7. Ready, Steady, Go your video

  8. With my cats it is all this in the reverse. They are outside and invisible until I call them in. And then they appear from nowhere running towards the house. Well mostly, unless it is a week when they have decided to take a holiday and stay away for a few days without telling me. They do this a lot.

  9. That made me smile, our lot have the nursery staff to say their good mornings at. There is one fellow that has taken to carrying treats for them in his shirt pocket.
