Tuesday 9 September 2014

Herbs and Spices 2.

I've written on this subject before, but repetition has never held me back.

Yet again I've been delving into the spice cupboard looking for what is superfluous. You know the ones; those right at the back that haven't been opened since 1990.

First job was to put aside all those that are used regularly, secondly to line-up those that are used only occasionally, then see what's left; and, if brave, eject.

Not that much went to the dustbin. Mostly it was old stuff that had already been replaced by fresh.

However, I did ask myself when I would ever use my Amchur powder, or that nasty looking tiny box of 1980's Asafoetida, or even that pale yellowy brown stuff with no label. The answer of course was NEVER, so they've all gone to rest.

Yes, I know; next week I'll be desperate for them and curse myself, but I was in a chucking out mood.

Most used spices: Ground Cumin, Garam Masala, Haldi (Turmeric), Curry Powder, Ras al Hanout.
Most used (dried) herbs: Herbes de Provence, Parsley, Oregano, Mint.

N.B. The above is only a tiny part of my Herb/Spice collection; it actually occupies about 4 or 5 times the shown space. We ALL have far too much.


  1. I use almost the same spices. Recently i discovered smoked paprica and i use it when ever i can. i noticed those 5 spices on the back, i also have them since 1900 somthing. time to get rid of it.

    1. I have an unopened tin of smoked paprika that I bought several years ago; I couldn't bring myself to throw it away. Maybe next year, if it still remains unopened.

    2. Wouldn't be without smoked paprika - use it all the time. This evening on top of a fish pie (potatoe topping with grated cheese on top then the paprika) adds a pleasant taste and look to the pie.

    3. I do have another supply, it's just this unopened tin that keeps looking at me. I shouldn't have bought it until the other was finished.

  2. Your spice shelf sounds much like mine Cro, except yours looks much tidier.

    1. But with lots of spilt turmeric that needs cleaning-up.

  3. I have one small drawer of spices..I purged ages ago and now i only have what I use. I'm not a very exciting cook.

  4. I grow lots of herbs in the greenhouse but we also have one cupboard that is just shelves of herbs. The wife keeps them all in alphabetical order, needless to say I am not allowed to touch them.

    1. ALPHABETICAL ORDER!!!!! That sounds a wee obsessive.

  5. Good job getting rid of the old spices. It's something I need to take on as well.

  6. My conscience has been niggling at me about all the serried ranks of old spices and dusty herbs lined up in the cupboard. Maybe tomorrow...
