Sunday 6 July 2014

Serious Sunday: In 5 year's time?

                                  Caliphate: A map purportedly showing the areas ISIS plans to have under its control within five years has been widely shared online. As well as the Middle East, North Africa and large areas of Asia, it also reveals ISIS' ambition to extend into Europe. Spain, which was Muslim-ruled until the late 15th Century, would form part of the caliphate, as would the Balkan states and eastern Europe, up to and including Austria

Apparently this is how ISIS sees the world in 5 year's time, with Islamic states being established throughout the Middle East, N Africa, and even up into Spain.

With the terrifying ruthlessness, speed, and efficiency with which they have taken much of Iraq, it wouldn't surprise me if at least part of the above becomes realised.

Be prepared to man the barricades chaps; pitchforks at the ready!


  1. completely different subject but in the "you might also like" was your post on Bacon Roly-Poly" - did you ever get around to trying the recipe you had found on the web. Must say it would be great food at present even though it was a bit warmer today.

    1. No, I never did make it; maybe I was reminded (by a certain person) that I was on a diet. The only time I did make one; it didn't taste the same as I'd remembered. Maybe this winter!

  2. Very scary scenario. Taking over the world the easy way by populating. Look out all women, we are heading for the dark ages !

    1. And by slaughtering anyone who doesn't conform 'exactly' to your ideals.

  3. Absolutely. And with heads in the sand everywhere it will be easy for them.

    1. Everyone says 'tut tut', but does nothing.

  4. Cro - very rarely do I feel grateful that I am getting on in years and do not have to face the future. But this is one of those times.

    1. I keep saying it, but we ain't seen nuffin yet!

  5. I worry for my children and future grandchildren. What are they going to have to face if we do nothing to stop it?

  6. These are things that keep me awake at night....this is a really scary thing that is going on.....makes me sick...

  7. They already have the mosques installed in Southern Spain. All that black on the map reminds me of those WW2 strategic maps.

  8. Am I the only American weighing in on this? Oddly, I am not freaked out about this at all. I'm a bit surprised to see what I consider to be Fox News scare tactics on your blog, Cro. But I want to know who (aka which countries, which forces) you believe should be fighting them right now? Where do you place the blame?

    1. Oh I know that I'm much farther away from this, too. So I'm not discounting your fears as you all have seen many more wars on your soil than we have.

    2. How we the 'winners' of World War I set this up:

    3. Mosques are now in every town in the UK, and hatred is being preached on a weekly basis. Young Muslims are being radicalised by the thousands. It's a time bomb with a short fuse, and there seems to be no possible response. We can't just send troops in; we need to have very good security and surveillance, and take out the perpetrators as and when. It's all very complicated.

    4. Thanks Cro. It is very complicated, and again, being far away from it all, I don't want to come off as insensitive. I think security and surveillance needs to be ramped up, especially at all airports (not just the ones in the West). I'm off to work all day today, so if anyone leaves more posts, I won't be able to reply until late tonight.

  9. As much as I like to, I can no longer put this genii on the shoulders of DubYuh, Rummy and Cheney. Oh, and Blair. It's been in the making since forever, or at least since a couple of religions were formed.

  10. Over here the ideologues claim we are not at war with them. I guess ISIS did not get the message. For they certainly have declared war on the rest of us. Pitchforks? don't think they will do much. Start stockpiling ammo. There is little you can do with a culture hell bent on dying for their cause. It IS the harvest that the false prophet of "diversity" has sown. But so many felt so proud of themselves while they pushed the navel gazing ideology of multiculturalism and progressiveness. If only they could understand that the root word of diversity is division.

  11. Interesting. The original Islamic Conquest that rolled over much of the world 1500 years ago was one of the most amazing episodes in history. But I don't see it happening again. The allure of Western lifestyles is just too great. I suspect this is just the dying gasps and wishful thinking of a gang of pathetic fundamentalists.

  12. I think this map is a bit optimistic, but i don't doubt for a second that ISIS is doing all it can to realise it.
