Tuesday 8 July 2014

More Monty Malaise.

Monty really hasn't been his usual self for a while. He's been hiding away in dark corners, refusing his favourite 'Bonio' biscuits, and generally acting out of character.

Lady Magnon took him to the Vet's last Friday, but they couldn't find anything wrong, so we're going back today with more detailed info'.

He seems to have a swelling under, and above, his left eye, and when given a small 'treat' he tilts his head sideways slightly and takes it with great finesse (he usually takes a few fingers too). He doesn't appear to want to open his mouth too widely.

Our present thinking is that it could be either a tooth problem, an insect sting, or a grass seed stuck somewhere. My money is on teeth; but whatever it is, it's making him miserable.

Poor old boy, he really does have more than his fair share of woes.

Later: Just back from Vet's. Prognosis: 10 days of antibiotics; 2 a day. Probably a tooth abscess problem, which is what we thought in the first place..


  1. Oh....poor boy....I am a wreck when an animal is off....tooth was my first thought too...

  2. We all wish him a speedy recovery.

  3. Poor boy! I sure hope he feels better soon. The antibiotics should fix him up quickly. In the meantime, I'll bet he'd appreciate some warm beef gravy that he could just lap up without chewing! ;)

    1. He's just had a bowl of milk, which he loved.

  4. Poor lad - hope he improves quickly.

  5. The poor guy...he looks so pitiful! There's nothing worse than a toothache.
    Hopefully the antibiotics kick in quickly. In the mean time I think he needs a little extra spoiling. ;)

  6. Poor Monty. I hope the antibiotics kick in soon. Double dose bonios when he's better again.

  7. Your heart breaks a little, doesn't it, when one of your loved animals is sick and they can't tell you where it hurts! Fingers Xd for the lovely boy, I hope the meds kick in and he gets better soon.

    1. If only they could speak; or even point.

  8. Oh poor old Monty he looks so miserable - hope the antibiotics do the trick and he's back to his cheerful self soon.

  9. It has all been said already….give him a big hug from me, and I hope he is feeling better soon ( and you can stop worrying)

  10. Oh my, I know that must break your heart to see Monty like that. Good news that the vet found his problem and he will be fine after awhile.

  11. Poor baby....it's so hard when they can't tell you what's wrong.

  12. It is heartbreaking when our pets are ill. Hope he is back to his usual self soon.

  13. On no! Bless his little face. Get well soon Monty. He doesn't look happy does he? x

  14. I wish he will feel better and his normal self soon. Poor Monty... :(

  15. Poor boy :( hope he feels better soon!

  16. Poor Monty, he looks so pathetic.

  17. That is one sad face. Hope the drugs work. One should not pass by a Bonio biscuit lightly.

  18. They look so sad when unwell don't they? hope he picks up once the meds kick in.

  19. I hope Monty is soon better and was a good boy when he went to the vet.

  20. Poor Monty! having recently had an abscessed tooth myself, i commiserate most fully! :0( I hope he feels better soon!

  21. I'm so glad the vet is On The Case and the antibiotics should clear up just about any problem Monty has. Our Archie acted very similarly a few weeks ago - we even imagined that he might have had a stroke. Turns out it was an inner ear infection. It's time like this that we really wish our Little Boys in Furry Pajamas could talk!

  22. Thank you everyone for your kind words. I think he may already be feeling a little better; he had some pain killers which have helped.
