Saturday 12 July 2014

Demolition, and Window Frame Building.

Work on the barn has suddenly been reactivated, so I have returned with crowbar, lump hammer, and gritted teeth to take out all the boards in the sections where the new windows will go.

The new frames for the windows will now be installed, then I'll be able to get the window man to come and measure-up. There are 5 windows in all; four face south, and one (above the main door) faces east.


Taking down the old boards is the easy bit, putting them all back again around the new frames will be something else..... This is how we finished the day (below).

The slightly smaller opening (bottom left) is to allow for the kitchen sink and splashback, otherwise the 3 other openings are all 80 by 160 cms.

And this is the final opening looking east. It really is beginning to look like a HOUSE.

Ain't retirement wonderful.


  1. It is looking good - is it "L" shaped or have you a second barn behind it (bottom photo).

    1. That's another old tobacco barn, owned by our friend Laurence. She is in the process of converting hers too. All our windows look in the opposite direction, so very private.

  2. Wow, you've made great progress! Love the view from that top window.

    1. It's slowly coming together, but still a long way to go.

  3. Fantastic job Cro - such fine views too. Will there be a false ceiling - that's a lot of space to heat in winter.

    1. We're replacing the ceiling timbers with new ones, to ensure a really solid floor. We haven't thought about heating yet!

  4. I should have mentioned above that you have done a great job of that framing.

  5. It's looking good! The framing is impressive. That's a HUGE space. Are you moving into it, or is it for family/guest accommodation?

    1. It's for Magnon junior, his wife Kellogg, and baby Bunny.

  6. Looking good! Lovely big windows.

  7. What a wonderful enterprise...and yes retirement must be fabulous, although you are still working hard Cro and the fruit of your efforts looks great.

  8. ooooooooooooooh nice! Are you going to live there? lovely wood xx

  9. You would hardly know it was ever a barn.

  10. Beautiful building Cro. It is going to look splendid.
    I had to enlarge that second photograph and have a good look at it because what in actual fact is a cement bag or something looked rather like a cheetah sitting there (yes, I know my eyesight is pretty suspect.)

  11. Love the view from the window. You're doing a great job.

  12. As a carpenter I am always curious about building techniques in other places. I note a lack of sill plates on the eve walls. How old is the barn?

    1. 1976. Not very old. It dried it last lot of tobacco in about 2005, then had geese living in it.
