Friday 25 July 2014

Damn, damn, and more bloody damn!


Dear Lady Magnon is a magnet for viruses. She only has to go within a mile of some contaminated bloody schoolboy, and it's as if she shouts "Come hither and infect me".

Every single time she goes to the bloody UK, she comes back with a bloody cold.

Usually my fine physique puts up serious resistance to such invasions, but occasionally (just occasionally) I let my shield slip, and a bloody virus or two attacks.

Recently, when I picked her up at Bergerac airport, I noticed at once that she was holding a box of Kleenex (nothing unusual in that), then once in the Compact Royce she started bloody sneezing.

I am trying to ignore the fact that I now have a running bloody nose, a sore bloody throat, and a raging bloody temperature; however, I am determined to enjoy the summer that I've been anticipating for so long.

I'm off to chew garlic for two weeks.


  1. Oh no! Hope it's one of those 24 hour things.....gone before you know it. Feel better.

    1. It's been over 24 hrs already; sadly I think it's a two week job.

  2. Oh dear - do the boys have it as well?

  3. Bloody Hell, not another man cold!!! I am the only female in factory of men (19 - 65 yrs) + i live with two of them. Being mid winter its as if they are playing tag to come and visiting me, expecting sympathy. Lordy, "i have nothing left to give boys" plus i work in an enclosed office with no ventilation so stay the bloody hell away from me. Its bad enough having to sleep with Hubby sniffling away.


  4. Rabby hardly ever gets ill but he's just spent over a week suffering from a very nasty summer virus (high temp, chills, aches etc.) Make sure you take plenty of fluids and rest. Hope you feel better soon.

    1. I haven't been ill for ages either. I'm told 'there's a lot of it about'; but they would say that wouldn't they.

  5. Morning Cro - sorry to hear you are under the weather - summer colds are the worst - I'm just grateful you can't catch germs over the internet.

  6. I hate colds and like you very rarely get one. Break the rules and have a spoonful of honey now. And a Lemsip at bedtime.

    1. My old mate Jock used to say that if you took every cold remedy known to mankind, your cold would last 2 weeks. But if you took nothing at all it would last just 14 days.

  7. Well, the garlic should keep everyone away so you don't catch anything else.

  8. No offence Cro but I'm glad you are on the other side of the computer screen and half a world away just while you have the naty bug. Get well soon..

    1. Just don't breathe in when you look at my page!

  9. Over here we have a product called Zicam. Works wonders to boost your resistance to colds and your initial symptoms and if you feel one is coming on. Helps speed recovery as well.

  10. I love a nice hot toddy when I have a cold...water, whiskey, honey, lemon juice. Yum.
    Feel better soon!

    1. Good advice! Even if it doesn't help your cold, you'll feel better in the meantime!

  11. I hope you're feeling bloody better now. By the way, you might try a shot of whiskey. It's been proven to be the most popular remedy... even if it doesn't work.

  12. Half an hour before we fly we always squirt 'First Defence' up our nostrils. After years of coming home with some bug or other, this certainly seems to work. It prevents the cocktail of recirculated germs from taking hold. Well, at least it works for us.

    Man flu's a bugger, especially as there is serious enjoyment to be had entertaining the grandchildren. Hope you are feeling chipper soon Cro.


  13. I hope the garlic does the trick!

  14. California remedy: A good cabernet and no calamities to you. You'll feel fine next week.

    1. Thanks Geo; I think that's the remedy I shall be following. It always works, eventually.

  15. Get bloody well bloody soon pal :)

  16. Maybe you need to start wearing a surgical mask whenever the Lady returns from across the channel!
