Wednesday 30 July 2014

15 things I cannot live without (in no particular order, except No 1).


1. Lady Magnon (I'd be dead meat if she wasn't at No 1).
2. My children and grandchildren.
3. Charcuterie.
4. Haddock's (my veg' garden).
5. A project or two.
7. Sunshine.
8. Peace and quiet.
9. Red wine.
10. Easily accessible mushroom-bearing countryside.
11. Winter warmth.
12. A reliable car.
13. My big Latin, and Etymological, dictionaries.
14. A laptop.
15. Meat.

Simple requirements for a simple life.


  1. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. My bloody server is driving me mad right now, so I deleted this to avoid repeating myself. Sorry.

  2. OK, the '16' things I cannot live without. No 16. Monty and Bok.

  3. Thought about what mine would be - definitely the farmer would be up there at the top, closely followed by my son and his family, then my dog, then my friends. Some foods I love better than others - I could definitely do without ever seeing meat again - but couldn't live without cheese and fruit. I adore clothes and can never have enough. The peace and quiet of the countryside features on my list and a few mushrooms added is always a bonus.

  4. I'm mainlining homemade icecream at the mo so a freezer is on my list!!

  5. You need us dont you. Who are you going to tell about all the above if you dont have us!

  6. Well done for keeping it to 15. I try to keep life as simple as I can but doubt I could keep the list that short!

  7. How interesting. I might do one.

  8. Goodness you fit the term spot on for you are a right Pinklyfetter !

    1. What the hell is a Flettyplinker?

    2. A Flettyplinker ! I have no idea Cro did you make that one up ?

  9. These lists are something that you don't want to spend too much time thinking about....they keep getting longer lol.
    A list of ten (without too much thought put into it) for me would include; food/water/health care/clothing/companionship/shelter/reading material/writing material/transportation and access to nature.

    1. You're obviously much more philosophically minded than I am. I'm just a country boy.

  10. Pinklyfetter? I never would have guessed. I only have one thing on my list and that is my wife for as long as I have her all the rest of my wants and desires are just fluff.

    1. Can i be rude and say that most men only need a wife, because she is the one to provide all his need and wants. (Bad Girl, Bad Bad Girl)

    2. You're probably right in most cases. Not here though!!!

  11. Glad to see the dictionary on the list!
