Friday 27 June 2014

Vile Bodies.


Mine is the Summer of 1946 Gold Star model, but very similar to the above.

Everything seems to be working reasonably well. Some bits better than others, but nothing to give too much concern.

The brain is still active. Perhaps too much 'common sense' has crept in to replace the 'safety last' attitude of my youth, but I still manage several irresponsible and inappropriate thoughts each day.

The long side bits both work well, with the extremities in fine fettle. The long lower bits are less good, especially where they bend, but they've done more miles than the side bits. Maybe some WD40 is required in places.

It's the main central bit which gives slight concern. The 'rutting' mechanism is less active than in previous times (20 year olds with pretty smiles once wreaked havoc with my affections), both the air and blood pumps are OK, the filters do what's required, and the waste system is adequate. The sugar management bit could be better.

Obviously it doesn't look as good as once it might have (?), but I wouldn't be able to cope with huge paternity duties anyway. Perhaps it could do with being a bit trimmer, but what the hell; as long as all the main bits keep working, I'm not complaining.

I have to tolerate it, so others will just have to do the same.


  1. Of course, replacement parts can be had for many thousands of dollars here in the USA. Perhaps a better bargain in France.

    1. Which part should I opt for first?

    2. Ha ha, I'm staying away from that question, Cro!

  2. I could do with a few spare parts but I'm opting to look after the parts I have a little better.

  3. I have studied the illustration specimen carefully and found its musculature impressive but inadequately covered. I believe I'd be in worse health if I had forgot to grow skin.

  4. Ahh Summer 1946 a vintage year and season! Just think, if they had mixed us up in the maternity Home. You could be here in Blighty and I'd be over there contemplating my rutting bits. WD40 may well be the answer, it solves so many others.

  5. "I still manage several irresponsible and inappropriate thoughts each day"

    OOOH me too! ha ha

  6. I have got a blank space where the picture should be, Took me a while to suss what you were talking about!

    1. Think yourself lucky Frances. It shows what I might look like without SKIN.

  7. A good working over with T-Cut followed by gentle buffing with Turtle wax takes years off I have found,,,

    1. I'll get Lady M to have a go; the buffing sounds OK.

  8. I should have been taken to the scrapyard a long time ago. A proper write-off.

  9. The picture isn't coming up for me. I'll try later.

    1. Can't think why; unless I've infringed some copyright law!

    2. Just tried hours later, and still no picture.

  10. I find avoiding mirror helps a great deal.

  11. If I were a horse, you'd be licking me of the back of a stamp right about now. I am waiting for injectable Teflon to come about and restore mobility to a shoulder, knees and ankles long worn out from 35 years of physical labor on the base version of the Poor-White-Trash model.

    1. And I need a new set of white Tungsten teeth.

  12. If only some of my bits hadn't gotten bigger and lower, all would've OK.

  13. Great attitude! I agree. As long as all my parts... or at least, the parts I still have... are working reasonably well, there's no cause for complaint.

  14. Most of my parts are working all right; then again, i'm a newer model year.

    I saw the pic all right in my reading list, but it doesn't want to show here for me, either. Just a blank white space with a small red X in the upper left corner of that space.

    I think it's good to do an inventory now and then on one's self. Sounds as if all's well for the most part at your 100,000 mile checkup. Here's to happy motoring for many, many more!

  15. Sounds to me as though you have given yourself a thorough medical check and come out all flags flying. I must say that on the whole I try not to catch sight of myself in a full length mirror when unclothed - it is no longer a pretty sight (I was an artists; model at one time - I think now I am more like to be a model for the artist's granny!

  16. I think I'm in good fettle, I give my bits a good rest...Why just the other day I looked up as she came into the room and she said ...."the answere is no!" Sooo I continued resting.

    1. With a name like 'Doc', you have to be in good shape.

  17. Hmm, everything's going south here!!
