Wednesday 25 June 2014

Tayberry Jam?

I'd picked the Tayberries, I had the special Jam Sugar, and I had a Lemon. 

I was all set to knock-up a quick pot of delicious Jam, when Lady Magnon asked me to freeze them instead.

She said she'd prefer to have them in winter with Ice Cream, and seeing as I don't eat Jam, and she only eats Apricot or Strawberry Jams, I suppose she was right and I did as ordered.

So, that's it. No Tayberry Jam. Talk amongst yourselves; what a very negative post.


  1. I read your post to my wife and she considered it quite a positive post. Given another 45 years with her, I might understand her reasoning.

    1. The only truly positive part was pressing the 'publish' button.

  2. Just having some St. Dalfour Black Cherry Jam (or fruit spread) on bread and butter with my afternoon cuppa and delicious it is too.

    Would you not be able to keep on eating all those delicious looking berries while they are fresh??

    1. We have so many at the moment that we are not being deprived.

  3. On the plus side I know what the jam sugar packet looks like in France, there you go an upside lol

  4. Those berries look so good.....I don't like strawberries and I love raspberries...these would be even better....and I don't eat jam either Cro.....well perhaps a ginger jam every once in a while...

  5. Replies
    1. No, I saved myself an extra 10 minutes devoted to M Vin-Rouge.

  6. oh well you can't win 'em all.

  7. Particularly as you are now left with Jam sugar and a lemon - gin and tonic anyone (that takes care of the lemon).

  8. Keep going with your Tay berries and apricots and I'll petition Lady Magnon to divorce you so I can shack up with you instead. If only to make jam. To your taste.

    If I were a gooseberry I couldn't be greener with envy. Am currently experiencing severe shortage of garden and/or Kilner Jars to be filled. Still, not to be disencouraged by vagaries of life, I am happy to report that I have found the source of all sources for UNwaxed lemons at a price which does not force you to take up a loan.

    May both you and La Magnon enjoy lemon meringue pie greetings,

    PS: I am still trying to get my brain round the Neanderthal when, such is my limited experience, I thought your name referred to Champagne.

    1. I think you must be thinking of my brother Cro Magnum.

  9. They look lovely.

  10. Well....why make the jam if neither of you will eat it? (Unless to gift of course). Frozen berries are definitely a treat in the winter and will give you a lift then Cro. :)

  11. I didn't find the post negative, either. Lady M pointed out her preference, you mention that you don't eat jam, and this way, both of you can enjoy the berries in the off-season.

    You can also mix some of those berries in with some yoghurt if you haven't ice cream.

    1. I think that's how I prefer them; and no sugar!

  12. Sounds sensible enough to me - particularly if neither of you will eat the jam. Those berries do look rather luscious!

  13. Nah, it's not negative. You're keeping your lady happy, and I'd call that very positive.

  14. I wonder if they would dehydrate? We can buy the most amazing dehydrated berries here, that can then be added to foods that 'wet' berries would spoil. And they taste like fresh ones. Amazing!
