Friday 13 June 2014

Mock Orange.

Opposite the garden gate at Haddock's, just a few feet away from our letter box, is a Mock Orange bush.

How it got there I'm not sure, it grows amongst some wild Plums, Sumac, and Brambles; but it's managing to hold its own.

Yesterday I went to harvest some vegs from Haddock's, and as I was opening the gate the perfume hit me.

What an aroma; it was sensational. I think the hot sun must have had a part to play in its strength.

I really must try to take a cutting, or dig out a bit of root; a bush nearer to the house would be wonderful.

Can there be another plant that fills the air with SO MUCH perfume?


  1. I think not. I had the same bush stop me dead in my tracks the other day while walking to my friend's house. Unbelievable fragrance (perhaps matched only by daphne)

  2. I've never heard of a mock orange before. Sounds like a nice plant to have in the garden. I'll just have to make do with my roses!

  3. Gorgeous - mine isn't in flower yet - but the heady smell is truly intoxicating.

  4. There must be several plants that go by that name because of the similarity of their perfume. Actually I've never smelt real orange perfume but we have one ( really called Murraya ) that flowers prolifically after rain and smells devine.

  5. I have one in my garden. Absolutely wonderful.

  6. We had one on our front lawn for many years..finally seemed to burn itself out. Nowadays I try to avoid perfumed plants..the allergies are killing me these days.

  7. I agree, one of the most beautiful smells of summer Cro. I think it will grow from the tiniest slip - it almost grows wild.

  8. Mmmmm, I can practically smell it.

    My other favorites are lilacs and honeysuckle. (Okay, so technically honeysuckle might be considered a weed... but it still smells good!)

  9. They do smell wonderful and one of my very favorites. It was also in the bouquets at our wedding, a bit of sneezing going on then as well.

  10. The scent is gorgeous. They root very easily too. Just take a semi ripe little twig. Plant it in a pot of compost somewhere warm - little drop of water and it should grow OK.

  11. I agree with Susan on lilacs and honeysuckle. Lily of the valley are my hands-down favourites, though. Now, I'm curious about this mock orange. I know i've smelled it before, but i don't know that it grows where i live now.
