Saturday 21 June 2014

How's the New Year diet going?


Did you make a 2014 New Year resolution to lose a few pounds (in time for summer)?

We're already into June, and by now you (and me) should be as thin as rakes.

Personally I've lost just over a stone, but the loss rate has decreased considerably. I now find it difficult to shed even ounces per month.

Maybe I've found my natural weight, and my body is trying to tell me as much. Well, that's my theory anyway.

I'm continuing with my 5:2 diet, and my Veggie Wednesdays (which sometimes fall on Thursdays), and I'm still hoping to lose a bit more; but it looks as if the going will be tougher from now on.

It's that roundish sticky-out bit below my rib-cage that is proving to be the most obstinate!


  1. Wow, that is nearly 6.5 kilograms - that is a lot to have lost in just 6 months.

    1. A shadow of my former self.

    2. Sounds like you will have to get a new wardrobe with all that weight loss.

  2. You have done well - losing weight seems so much harder as we age.

  3. Since husband retired we've been going to the health club. He lost quite a bit of weight in the first few weeks but now it's reached a plateau . I think it's the way it goes and just slower steady progress from now on and you'll get there.

    1. We all eat 'lighter' in summer, so that'll help too.

  4. I've lost 15 pounds this year, and I'm hoping to lose 20 more before the new year. We shall see. It's hard to lose when you love good food like I do!

  5. Congratulations on the weight loss Cro. I'm sure your overall health will benefit from it.

  6. I've cut back on a lot of things this year but still only managed to lose 1.5 ounces.

  7. If you are feeling good, that is all that matters.

  8. Can you still have a glass of red wine on the 2s?

  9. Congratulations on the weight loss and keep up the good work. Rejoice at every pound, because it's not easy. We are trying to eat smaller portions, especially at dinner which seems to help.

    Have a nice weekend,

  10. I think everyone gets to the sticky time, keep going it will start to come off again.
    The main thing is to make a diet that you can live with forever, that's where most people go wrong and then put it all on again.

    1. It's NEVER going on again. Scout's honour!

  11. LOVE that cartoon. I wonder if I have the nerve to say that next time I see someone dressed like that.
    Says quietly ..." I have never been on a diet"

  12. That 'sticky out bit' is muscle Cro!

  13. I'm back on 5:2 again after coming off it when I had to take loads of painkillers. Didn't think that analgesia and an empty stomach mixed! I've lost a stone and a half and want to lose the same again. Something tells me the going gets tougher as you progress. You've confirmed that.

  14. Bravo, Cro! I've been in a 3-lb range for most of the year, dipped below towards the end of hockey, and then in the last month, had come celebratory foods a bit too often and gained a few. Am now at the top of the 3-lb range.

    All that to say, i am where i started.
