Monday 16 June 2014

First Crops of 2014.

I love this period in the year when one suddenly becomes self-sufficient in vegetables. I lightly 'steamed' these in Olive oil and Butter for a simple lunch.

We now have a choice of Courgettes, Calabrese, Onions, and Salads, and in a few days time we'll also have Beans, Cauli's, and Cherry Toms. Whatever is available that day; we eat.

I've not mentioned this before, but this (above) is my annual 'Pot-Luck Corner'.

Every year I save about 4 healthy looking self-sown tomato plants which I re-plant in this small square-metre corner plot. I have no idea what they'll turn out to be, they could be Cherry Toms, or big Marmande type Toms, or even Roma cooking Toms.

There's always a surprise in store; I'll let you know.

p.s. I've got the sprinkler on as I write; it's been hot-n-dry.


  1. I had the first of my sugar snap peas yesterday and have been picking salad leaves - it is very satisfying just popping out to see what is ready. Not much else yet though - your freshly picked lunch looks delicious I must say.

  2. You're always guaranteed a surprise with Toms...

    I have discovered on my return that I shall be lucky to crop anything from my sadly neglected garden. The only things doing well apparently were my Italian Grape Tomatoes but one of the builders (now sacked) nicked those.

    1. Oh dear. Barbed wire and padlock perhaps.

  3. Nice to cook with our own vegetables. Your cooking looks colorful!

  4. That looks a very healthy lunch!

  5. I'm in the other hemisphere and I'm picking broccoli and cauliflower, too. I like the overlap! No tomatoes or zucchini, though. That would be asking too much.

    1. I have purple sprouting broccoli for winter, and the green 'calabrese' in spring. Both delicious.

  6. Nothing ready here as yet Cro - we are of course much further to the North. But our market on a Friday has wonderful fresh veg and fruit. At present it is apricots, peaches and nectarines that take my fancy - and tiny cherry tomatoes which are as sweet as honey.

    1. The Apricots are ripe here, we've been eating them every day. Peaches and Nectarines will be quite a while yet.

  7. You would think with a yard as large as ours (by city standards anyway) we would have a garden..but garden for us. We are lazy.

  8. I am far from harvesting anything from my meager plantings. It shall still be a while. What is with the upside down clay pots on the stakes of the tomato plants?

    1. Stops them rotting, and saves eyes from being poked! Otherwise, simply traditional.

    2. I heard of someone having their eye poked right out by a garden stake when they bent over it. Perhaps an urban myth but stakes terrify me, now! I either use pots or old garden gloves which look a little weird, but work.

  9. Picked our first courgettes yesterday. French beans will be here soon. First tomato just going pink. Becomes a daily challenge soon to use everything as I hate waste. And what to do with a bucket of cherries that will shortly arrive on my doorstep? Cherries in brandy methinks.

    1. We're eating Calabrese every day; and lots of it.

  10. The garden is just beginning to be planted, but we have been self sufficient in salad greens for the last month!

  11. That veggie dish looks absolutely delicious! I envy your garden and all those wonderful fresh vegetables! And I love your little plot of "mystery" tomatoes. You're a gardener after my own heart!

  12. Nothing ready here yet apart from cucumbers! I envy you apricots. Possibly my favourite fruit and an excellent jam!

  13. ooh your lunch looks very appetising!

  14. We are still waiting for our seeds to come up! We have enjoyed asparagus and rhubarb locally to date. Fresh greens from those with hoop houses too.

  15. I had to Google calabrese! Your vegs look marvellous.
